Can Receive but not send on Outlook 2007 in Vista B2


Billy Bob

OS: Windows Vista Beta 2 clean install
SW: Office 2007 - Outlook 2007 Beta 2

Issue: Cannot connect to ANY Pop3 servers

Settings: Using single standard POP/SMTP account (all default settings)

Add-ins: None

AntiVirus, etc.: None

Firewall Settings: Default Windows Firewall settings (also tried disabling

When attempting to Test Account Settings (or Send/Receive), the following
message immediately appears in the Tasks pane:
X - Log onto incoming mail server (POP3) - Failed
And in the Error pane:
Log onto incoming mail server (POP3): The server name you entered cannot be
found on the network (it might be down temporarily). Verify that you are
online and that the server name is correct.

Sending (SMTP connection) works fine as long as outgoing authentication is
NOT selected (even though it does work when connecting to the same account
via another computer running Outlook 2003.) The log files (when logging is
enabled) for POP connections is completely blank - no error messages nor any
status message of any kind.

The POP server can be ping'd, however, attempts to connect by Telnet'ing to
port 110 instantly fail. Even attempts to connect with Telnet to a test mail
server (Windows 2000 Server) on the same network fail instantly, which makes
me think it's a Windows Vista issue. Perhaps something is blocking the
Telnet program?

What's really confusing is that Windows Mail (the new Outlook Express) can
connect to these same servers without a problem. So far I have not seen any
other posts with this particular issue which makes me think it might be a
problem specific to my machine somehow.

Any thoughts would be much appreciated.

BillR [MVP]

Try removing your account(s) and ad them back again. Configure them
yourself - don't let outlook try to.

Billy Bob

I have deleted and removed accounts. I always manually configure them myself
and I attempted to play with various options, turning things on/off/etc. I
uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 (and Outlook with it.) I destroyed
the entire Vista OS and started over from scratch and again installed Office
2007 as the only non-OS installed software... same exact results. Should I
not be able to use Telnet to troubleshoot my issues? I'm really confused as
to why telnet cannot make a connection to ANY server (using port 110 or 25)
and Outlook instantly fails when attempting to connect to any POP server
(port 110) yet Windows Mail has no problems with either. When using TCP
utilities from SysInternals, I can see all kinds of communications from
various programs, but Telnet nor Outlook never "show up on the radar" so I
really can't tell what could be blocking them. Again, the firewall is off
(supposedly) and I'm not running any third-party apps or anti-virus, etc.

Patrick Schmid

Are you sure the connection is not using SSL or TLS and hence different
Windows Mail might have picked up on that and configured it differently?

Patrick Schmid

BillR [MVP]

It sounds like something is blocking them. I woudl have expected the
firewall but it is off.
Does your service provider support e-mail connections via another port?

Billy Bob

The connection uses the standard port 110 with no SSL, TLS or any other
encyption for that matter. Try it yourself: I just tested it
from another machine within my network and one outside of it and both can
telnet to port 110.

Billy Bob

No, the service provider only provides pop mail retreival via the standard
port 110. It really does look like it's being blocked (especially from the
telnet point of view) but, as I said, the firewall is off and I have no
third-party network-related software installed. The fact that Windows Mail
can connect fine just confuses the issue even more.

If you would like ANY other information, screen shots, data, etc. from my
system (including running any diagnostic utilities) that might help determine
the cause, please let me know. I almost suspect that it has something to do
with a piece of hardware, or maybe I should even download Office 2007 again
and reburn it to a disc and reinstall (perhaps a key file is corrupted?)
Again, though, the fact that telnet is useless boggles my mind and steers me
away from the corrupt file idea. For now, I'm using Remote Desktop to
continue running Outlook 2003 on another machine to get my mail, but I'd love
to try using Outlook 2007.

Billy Bob

Patrick Schmid said:
Are you sure the connection is not using SSL or TLS and hence different
Windows Mail might have picked up on that and configured it differently?

Patrick Schmid

Any other ideas, Patrick? Or do you know of someone else on the Microsoft
Windows Vista team that you could forward my issue on to?

Billy Bob

BillR said:
It sounds like something is blocking them. I woudl have expected the
firewall but it is off.
Does your service provider support e-mail connections via another port?

Any other ideas, Bill? Or do you know of someone else on the Microsoft
Windows Vista team that you could forward my issue on to?

Patrick Schmid

Can you send me a summary of your issue via email? I can try and see if
I can find anyone else who might have any idea about this. You can find
my email address on my website.

Patrick Schmid

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