Can you help me on this DCOM Error?



right now im using windows 2003 server and having an error which DCOM error
and the event error show me ...

Date: 3/4/06 Source:DCOM
Time: 11:30:45AM Categoty: None
Type : Error Event ID: 10016
The Application-Specific permission setting do not grant Local Activation
Permission for DCOM Server application with CLSID {
0C0A3666-30C9-11D0-8F20-00805F2CD064} to the user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK
SERVICES ID (S-1-5-20).This security permission can be modified using
component services administrative tools.

When i having this error, all my PHP website with mysql database will down
and said it could not connect into database. can you help me on this error?
i already edit and modified on Machine Debug Manager which edit the "Access
Permission" to customize and added Administrator , Interactive, System and
IWAN(computername) users .Beside that for the "Launch and Activation
Permission" i also use customize and edded Administrator , Interactive,
System and IWAN(computername) users with allow on Local Launch, Remote
Launch, Local Activation, and Remote Activation. i also configure on
Identify with "This User for administrator account and password. but it
still having same problem cannot connect into mysql database and occur this
error in server.

so can you help me on this error?

p/s : I found in some forum that said, this error occured when we update the
window 2003 to sp1.

John Vinson

right now im using windows 2003 server and having an error which DCOM error
and the event error show me ...

It's not clear whether you're using the Microsoft Access database
software for this purpose: you mention MySQL and Windows operations
but not Access. I wonder if your question might better be posted on
one of the Windows newsgroups?

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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