Change defualt word wrap in Excel 2007



I often paste data from SQL Server into Excel 2007. Columns with text data
almost always cause the row heights to grow because word wrap is turned on by
default. Multiple times a day I have to go in and turn off the word wrapping
for those columns.

Is there any way in Excel to change this default behavior so it doesn't word


I believe word wrap is OFF by default in Excel (2003 and 2007)..

I believe your paste process in making this change...

However you can set your defaults ...

Excel uses two template files, Book.xlt and Sheet.xlt, to control default
settings for new workbooks and new worksheets that you add using the Insert |
Worksheet command. By modifying and saving these documents, you can customize
default settings. Sheet.xlt should contain only one worksheet, and you use it
to configure options appropriate to individual worksheets, such as gridline
color. Use Book.xlt to configure default options for entire workbooks, such
as styles.

If you don't have either of these files (Excel works fine without them), you
can easily create them. Create a new workbook and then save it with the
appropriate name in the XLStart folder. For Office 2003, this is typically
located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\XLStart and C:\Program
Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\XLSTART for Office 2007...

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