changing path to AVI file


CR Optiker

Is there a way to change the path to an AVI file that's inserted in a PPT
file without going back and reinserting it from a different place?

If I select the movie in the normal PPT edit window, then click on EDIT in
teh MENU bar, then , MOVIE OBJECT in the drop-down menu, it shows me the
AVI file path, but no way to change it from there. I've browsed around
looking for something that gives me an editable path...something like a
"properties" window for the inserted file, but haven't found anything like
that. Is there a way to do it?


Steve Rindsberg

If I select the movie in the normal PPT edit window, then click on EDIT in
teh MENU bar, then , MOVIE OBJECT in the drop-down menu, it shows me the
AVI file path, but no way to change it from there. I've browsed around
looking for something that gives me an editable path...something like a
"properties" window for the inserted file, but haven't found anything like
that. Is there a way to do it?

Other than via VBA code, no.

Our FixLinks (commercial) add-in will do it for you automatically (whole
presentation at a time).
There's also a little link and name editor included with the Plus upgrade to
our starter set.

Or if a bit of do-it-yourself tickles your fancy:

Sub EditLink()
Dim strLink as String
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.LinkFormat
strLink = Inputbox("Type full path to linked file","Re-Link",
If strLink <> "" AND strLink <> .SourceFullName Then
.SourceFullName = strLink
End If
End With
End Sub

CR Optiker

Other than via VBA code, no.

Our FixLinks (commercial) add-in will do it for you automatically (whole
presentation at a time).
There's also a little link and name editor included with the Plus upgrade to
our starter set.

Or if a bit of do-it-yourself tickles your fancy:

Sub EditLink()
Dim strLink as String
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.LinkFormat
strLink = Inputbox("Type full path to linked file","Re-Link",
If strLink <> "" AND strLink <> .SourceFullName Then
.SourceFullName = strLink
End If
End With
End Sub

Thanks! Maybe will try the VB code. Don't expect to use it enough to
justify buying a solution - just an irritant that it's not in there. Seems
so obvious.

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