Check box Before Update



I am in the process of migrating the backend to MySQL and testing the
frontend with MsAccess 2000. I need to check that all necessary data fields
are entered before I make the update on a subform by using the BeforeUpdate
event on a checkbox (Checkbox1). But the BeforeUpdate event still updates the
data even if I use undo and exit sub on the code.
This is what I have so far:

If Me![Checkbox1].Value <= -1 Then
If isnull(text1) then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Any help is very much appreciated. thank you.

George Nicholson

BeforeUpdate event has a Cancel argument for this purpose. Add the line
Cancel = True
to the appropriate place in your code and the Update won't happen.



Works like a charm. Thanks Geroge.

George Nicholson said:
BeforeUpdate event has a Cancel argument for this purpose. Add the line
Cancel = True
to the appropriate place in your code and the Update won't happen.

George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.

Samantha said:
I am in the process of migrating the backend to MySQL and testing the
frontend with MsAccess 2000. I need to check that all necessary data
are entered before I make the update on a subform by using the
event on a checkbox (Checkbox1). But the BeforeUpdate event still updates
data even if I use undo and exit sub on the code.
This is what I have so far:

If Me![Checkbox1].Value <= -1 Then
If isnull(text1) then
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Any help is very much appreciated. thank you.

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