Unable to keep subform from closing


Emma Aumack

Hi All,

I have a subform "Frm_Exp_Detail" (which is one of several detail forms)
that is opened via a select case statement on the main form "Frm_Exp". both
of these forms are based on the same table. I didn't do a seaprate details
table because there is only 1 detail for each record. The reason for the
details form is that my users insist on having the main form in a datasheet
view and the detail would make it way to busy, hence, the subform.

On each subform are 3 checkboxes, two of the checkboxes are mutually
exclusive and the other is supposed to be checked once all the detail is

I have a function, called from the BeforeUpdate event on the subform, that
fires if the user tries to close the subform without checking one of the
first 2 checkboxes as follows:

Function Snd_Ltr_Checked(CheckBox1 As CheckBox, CheckBox2 As CheckBox) As
' Pass the checkboxes themselves to this function. So they can be used in
any form.
' This function will return True if only one checkbox is checked, and False
if neither
' or both are checked.

Dim boolChecked As Boolean

boolChecked = Nz(CheckBox1, False) Xor Nz(CheckBox2, False)

If Not boolChecked Then

msgbox "You must check one or the other of " &
CheckBox1.Controls(0).Caption & " or " & CheckBox2.Controls(0).Caption

End If

Snd_Ltr_Checked = boolChecked

End Function

My problem is that when the msgbox appears and "OK" is clicked, the subform
closes with the msgbox and I am taken back to the main form. I should be
taken back to the subform so that one of the check boxes can be checked.

I have tried to use cancel in the subform as follows:

cancel = Snd_Ltr_Checked(snd_ltr, dn_snd_ltr)

and have tried


in the close event, with no luck.


ruralguy via AccessMonster.com

Hi Emma,
You don't show the BeforeUpdate event but Cancel needs to be set to True in
that event to hold the user in the form.

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