Clip art error, "Cannot complete operation"


Erica Andrews

I don't know what happens, but when I click the "insert clip art" button; an
error shows and displays, "Clip Organizer cannot complete operation.
Interface not supported. Error code 0x80004002." After clicking the ok
button, the clip art panel would diplay; but when I search for a clip, none
shows up. Same thing happens when I use the standalone verion of clip
organizer. And I can't even import media! I tried reinstalling, but it
happened the same! And by the way, I installed MS Office 2003 in a different
drive (not in the drive where I installed XP Professional), Please help me! I
really don't want to reformat!

Paul Ballou

Try these KB articles;en-us;302375
Clip2002: Error Message: "Error in the .dll..." or "Clip Organizer Cannot
Complete the Operation...";en-us;328166
Clip2002: "Clip Organizer Cannot Complete the Operation, Unspecified Error
0x80004005" Error Message When You Use Clip Organizer

Paul Ballou
MVP Office

Control the things you can and Don't Worry about the things you can't

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