Codeplex Timesheet Tied Mode Service


David F-H

Project Server 2007 SP1
SQL Server 2005

We would like to apply the latest Infrastructure Updates and Hotfixes for
Project Server 2007 / Sharepoint Server and would like to know if the
Codeplex Timesheet Tied Mode Service is compatible ? Ie. will the Tied Mode
Service (and everything else) still function correctly if I install it on top
of the latest updates / hotfixes ?



The way the Codeplex solution works, is not depending on versions of project
server. As long as microsoft doesn't rename the to-be-captured event and the
webservice fuction names, it will always work. So it will also work on the CU.

hope this helps


Astro Boy

The way the Codeplex solution works, is not depending on versions of project
server. As long as microsoft doesn't rename the to-be-captured event and the
webservice fuction names, it will always work. So it will also work on the CU.

hope this helps


- Show quoted text -

We had the opportunity to pose this very question to the team at MSFT.
They stated the IU was specifically designed to work with Tied Mode.

One word of caution about Tied Mode - the transfer of time is attached
to the Timesheet Updated event, not the Timesheet Submitted event.
You'll get time appearing in My Tasks when the user saves his/her
timesheet, not just when they submit it. This may be a good thing,
depending on your envirionment, but it is, to me at least, somwhat

Hope that bit of info saves someone some grief...



Astro Boy said:
We had the opportunity to pose this very question to the team at MSFT.
They stated the IU was specifically designed to work with Tied Mode.

One word of caution about Tied Mode - the transfer of time is attached
to the Timesheet Updated event, not the Timesheet Submitted event.
You'll get time appearing in My Tasks when the user saves his/her
timesheet, not just when they submit it. This may be a good thing,
depending on your envirionment, but it is, to me at least, somwhat

Hope that bit of info saves someone some grief...


It is quite easy to modify the event dll to change the behaviour from the
saved action to the submit action. So if this is an issue for you, you can
get that fixed.



When trying to register the .dll with the gacutil on the Project Server 2007
front-end we are getting this error

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v1.1.4322>gacutil.exe /i "C:\Program
crosoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin\Microsoft.EPM.Events.TimesheetEvent.dll" /f

Microsoft (R) .NET Global Assembly Cache Utility. Version 1.1.4322.573
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2002. All rights reserved.

Failure adding assembly to the cache: Unknown Error

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