Cohabitation of Excel 2004 and excel 2008



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: intel

dear all,

I need excel 2008 because I receive many files in XLSX format, but I also receive some files (xls format) that uses VBA macros.
can I have safely excel 2004 and 2008 installed on my computer and how can I do the install (some preparation to be made, etc. ?)
I have licence for both version so no problem to install.
thank you in advance


No problem at all - I have both running on my G5 box in Tiger & on my MBP in
Leopard. You need do nothing special other than install 2004 if you are
using the standalone Excel application itself. Make sure to use the
Installer rather than doing a Drag 'n' Drop installation.

If you're installing from the Office 2004 package, though, it's better to
install the *entire* suite because of updates, etc., but it isn't necessary
if Excel is the only 2004 app you need. However, Do Not run Entourage 2004
if you use Entourage 2008 - and remove its icon from the dock to avoid doing
so accidentally. It will create a bit of havoc.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Jack Marr

No problem at all - I have both running on my G5 box in Tiger & on my MBP in
Leopard. You need do nothing special other than install 2004 if you are
using the standalone Excel application itself. Make sure to use the
Installer rather than doing a Drag 'n' Drop installation.

What happens when you double-click an .xls file - which version of
Excel opens it? How about Applescript 'tell application "Microsoft
Excel" to activate'?

Bob Greenblatt

What happens when you double-click an .xls file - which version of
Excel opens it? How about Applescript 'tell application "Microsoft
Excel" to activate'?
Good question. It appears that Office 2008 programs are erroneously setting
themselves as the default app to open files. So, even if you change this in
the finder and set it to ALL, 2008 will change it back. This is a known
issue. An Applescript Tell will probably tell the first application that

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