Column Header in Query Problem

  • Thread starter spcscooter via
  • Start date

spcscooter via

I am really not sure how I want to say this but I will do my best.

I have a query that is based off of a form with the following fields.

Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Fulfillment

I want to add new fields in a Query and name them Certification Date and
Expiration Date.

The Certification Date needs to be manually entered and the Expiration Date
needs to added automatically. I have the Expiration Date working but I can't
seem to get the Certification Date to work the way I want it. Every time I
enter the header info in design view (Certification Date: 0 ) it comes up
with a date in the 1800's. I know that Certification Date: 0 is wrong but I
can't remember what to do or if it will even work the way I want. All I want
is the column to be named Certification Date and some one to be able to
manually enter the date of certification.

Anything you can help with is greatly apreciated.



spcscooter via

spcscooter said:
I am really not sure how I want to say this but I will do my best.

I have a query that is based off of a table with the following fields.

Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Fulfillment

I want to add new fields in a Query and name them Certification Date and
Expiration Date.

The Certification Date needs to be manually entered and the Expiration Date
needs to added automatically. I have the Expiration Date working but I can't
seem to get the Certification Date to work the way I want it. Every time I
enter the header info in design view (Certification Date: 0 ) it comes up
with a date in the 1800's. I know that Certification Date: 0 is wrong but I
can't remember what to do or if it will even work the way I want. All I want
is the column to be named Certification Date and some one to be able to
manually enter the date of certification.

Anything you can help with is greatly apreciated.



spcscooter via

I meant to say that I had a query that is based off of a table not a form.

John Spencer

If you want to add new fields to the query and then have people enter data
into the fields, then you must (no exception) have the fields in a table.
So do you have a field named CertificationDate?

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

spcscooter via

I do now. Thanks that worked great. Another question however. I want to
run a query between two dates but the dates are not preset. I want to be
able to have the person who inputs the data enter the between dates but not
have to go into the query to do it. I have done this before but I don't
remember what to do. I need to practice more I think. Thank you for all
your help.

John said:
If you want to add new fields to the query and then have people enter data
into the fields, then you must (no exception) have the fields in a table.
So do you have a field named CertificationDate?
I am really not sure how I want to say this but I will do my best.
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]

John Spencer

Simplest method is to use a parameter query.

Field: YourdateField
Criteria: Between CDate([Enter Start Date]) and CDate([Enter End Date])

A better way would be to use a form to input the dates, reference the
form controls in the query, and then call the report or form that is
using the query.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

I do now. Thanks that worked great. Another question however. I want to
run a query between two dates but the dates are not preset. I want to be
able to have the person who inputs the data enter the between dates but not
have to go into the query to do it. I have done this before but I don't
remember what to do. I need to practice more I think. Thank you for all
your help.

John said:
If you want to add new fields to the query and then have people enter data
into the fields, then you must (no exception) have the fields in a table.
So do you have a field named CertificationDate?
I am really not sure how I want to say this but I will do my best.
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]

John W. Vinson

I am really not sure how I want to say this but I will do my best.

I have a query that is based off of a form with the following fields.

Employee ID, Last Name, First Name, Fulfillment

I want to add new fields in a Query and name them Certification Date and
Expiration Date.

The Certification Date needs to be manually entered and the Expiration Date
needs to added automatically. I have the Expiration Date working but I can't
seem to get the Certification Date to work the way I want it. Every time I
enter the header info in design view (Certification Date: 0 ) it comes up
with a date in the 1800's. I know that Certification Date: 0 is wrong but I
can't remember what to do or if it will even work the way I want. All I want
is the column to be named Certification Date and some one to be able to
manually enter the date of certification.

Anything you can help with is greatly apreciated.



Well, a Query has no independent existance. You can't have a Certification
Date entered into a query unless it exists in some table, either by modifying
the table upon which the query is based, or by joining it (one to one,
perhaps) to some other table with EmployeeID as its primary key.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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