COM Add-In Run-time error '1004': Add Method of AddIns class fail



I receive this error upon start-up of Excel 2003. I removed AddIns and the
error continues. I reinstituted AddIns and the error continues. Since this
is a COM error, is it caused by incorrect set up between host computer and
user computer? Excel seems to function without issue once I clear the error
message. My Dell laptop is running XP.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Mm,
I receive this error upon start-up of Excel 2003. I removed AddIns and the
error continues. I reinstituted AddIns and the error continues. Since this
is a COM error, is it caused by incorrect set up between host computer and
user computer? Excel seems to function without issue once I clear the error
message. My Dell laptop is running XP.

This is one hard to solve if you don't know where to look.

1. Rightclick a toolbar and select Customize...
2. Click the commands tab
3. Click the Tools option in the left list
4. find the entry called "COM Addins" in the list on the right (near bottom)
5. Drag that to your menu bar and click OK.
6. Now click your new menu item and see which COM addins you have. Uncheck one
by one until your problem goes away.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel MVP
Member of:
Professional Office Developer Association

Bill Manville

COM add-ins are accessed via a different dialog than normal add-ins.

There are instructions in Help for how to access the COM add-ins
dialog. Look for help on COM add-ins and open the Load or Unload
Add-ins page and look at the COM add-ins section.

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England

Bob Flanagan

Bill, is there a way to query via VBA to see what COM add-ins are loaded?

Bob Flanagan

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