"Compact and Repair Database" Command in a Form



I would like to run the "Compact and Repair Database"
command by clicking a command button on a form.

The "DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCompactDatabase" cannot work
while running a VB code or macro. Also, I can't find the
right parameters to use with "DoCmd.DoMenuItem" for that

I already created a custom toolbar with this command. But
this is the top menu. I would like to have it also in the
main menu, which is a form.

Can it be done?



McLean J

I use this code to compact the current database over itself..
CommandBars("Menu Bar").
Controls("Database utilities").
Controls("Compact and repair database...").

Chuck L

This seems to be the answer to a question that I had asked
on a separate part of this site, however, when I tried to
use it, I get an error. I am not familiar with writing
code (but learning). I have used the help feature to get
started. I am writing this code in a module.? I do not
know how to begin. Is this a sub procedure? If so, I am
assuming that I would start it... Sub [?] and then paste
what is below in the procedures area of the module? I'm
pulling my hair out trying to figure this out. Any help
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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