Compare & replace?



In Excel 2007, We have an entry screen for our bus work orders. It enables
someone to put in the information and by a macro, it gets transferred to a
database on another sheet in the same workbook.

That entry screen is called “DataEntry†and in it, is cell (D4) for the
current odometer reading. The cell to the right of it (E4) shows the last
odometer reading for that bus using an =LookUp macro referring to another
worksheet in the same workbook called “BUSINFO†,


The next cell to it’s right (F4) in the “DataEntry†screen will either
show “OK†or “Not OK†by comparing the odometer reading from the “BUSINFOâ€
sheet to the DataEntry Sheets cell (D4). Basically it says to compare D4
with E4, if the number is equal to or greater than etc.,

=IF(E6<=D6,"OK","Not OK")

We do not enter data for every bus every day. We currently have to get into
the “BUSINFO†sheet and manually change the old odometer reading to the new
one for each bus (which has it’s own assigned number), when we are finished
entering the rest of the data each day.

How do I tell excel to update the mileage for the buses that did change upon
closing? I need to get the new odometer reading in another column next to
the old reading in the “BUSINFO†sheet so upon closing, the old reading will
be replaced by the new one? I don’t know how to tell excel to put that new
reading next to the bus it belongs to, change the old reading to the new
reading and save upon closing ready for the next days entries. I know there
are people out there smart enough to do this, I am just not one of them. Can
anyone help!

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