Compare strings and convert characters to numbers




I want to compare how different two strings of equal length is. My
plan is to convert these strings to numbers and calculate the sum of
squares of the differences of these numbers. If the sum is big, it
means the difference is big. An example is like this:

I want to compare how different "apples" and "orange" is. I would
assign "a" to 1, "b" to 2...etc. As a result, "apples" would be
represented by the digits "1, 16, 16, 12, 5, 19" and "orange" by "15,
18, 1, 14, 7, 5". Then, I would calculate the sum
(1-15)^2+(16-18)^2+(16-1)^2+(12-14)^2+(5-7)^+(19-5)^2 to see if the
sum is big and judge if they are very different.

Therefore, I need two functions now. One is to extract the nth
character of a string from the left and the other to convert a
character into an integer. May I ask if there exist such functions?
If you think there is a wiser way to find out how different two
strings of equal length is, you are welcome to tell me as well.


Cindy M.

Hi Cyberdude,
I need two functions now. One is to extract the nth
character of a string from the left and the other to convert a
character into an integer.
VBA provides the Mid function: Mid("Apple", 3, 1) would return
"p", for example. (There are also Left and Right functions, but
they don't let you specify a single character.)

I know of no function that returns an integer for a string, as
you have in mind. However, every character has an ANSI value.
You can get that value using the ASC function. "apple" would be:

97, 112, 112, 108, 101

"Apple" would be:

65, 112, 112, 108, 101

I'd think your proposed approach would work with these values?
If not, you'd have to write your own function (probably using
Select Case) to return the value you want for each of the 52
possible characters.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Helmut Weber

Hi Cyberdude,

I think there is more to calculating similarity between strings.
However, this would be kind of coding for your idea,
though I doubt whether the result
will reveil what you are looking for.

Public Function SimilarityNumber(a$, b$) As Long
Dim lngI As Long ' just a counter
Dim lngS As Long ' resulting similarity
ReDim na(1 To Len(a$)) As Long ' array of a$
ReDim nb(1 To Len(a$)) As Long ' array of b$
For lngI = 1 To Len(a$)
na(lngI) = Asc(Mid(a$, lngI, 1)) - 96
nb(lngI) = Asc(Mid(b$, lngI, 1)) - 96
lngS = lngS + (na(lngI) - nb(lngI)) ^ 2
SimilarityNumber = lngS
End Function

Sub Test400()
MsgBox SimilarityNumber("apples", "yyyyyy")
End Sub
' -----------------------------------------

for a more professional approach,
I'm quoting from a former posting of mine.
I just isn't that easy.

Start quote:

IMHO, I think, my solution is in principle better
than the "levenshtein distance".
Somewhat to google for.

If you want to know it all, the code below
will give you a correlation coefficient between two strings.

Don't be afraid, some things are complicated,
and there is no easy to understand solution.

Disregard the comments in german.
To comment it all, it would take me a week.

str1 = "alberto parreira , alberto juan fernandez parreira"
str2 = "alberto-juan parreira , alberto juuan parreira."
I get
Correlation(Character) = 0.82
Correlation(Substring) = 0.54
Correlation(combined ) = 0.72

Whether this is sufficient for you, I don't know.

Just have a go and good luck,
and beware of line breaks by the newsreader.

Option Explicit
Sub Correlation()
Dim str1 As String
Dim str2 As String
Dim CorChrc As Single ' correlation by character
Dim CorStrn As Single ' correlation by string

str1 = "alberto parreira , alberto juan fernandez parreira"
str2 = "alberto-juan parreira , alberto juuan parreira."
CorChrc = FncCorChr(str1, str2)
CorStrn = FncCorStr(str1, str2)
Debug.Print "Correlation(Character) = " & Format(CorChrc, " 0.00")
Debug.Print "Correlation(Substring) = " & Format(CorStrn, " 0.00")
Debug.Print _
"Correlation(combined ) = " _
& Format((CorChrc * 2 + CorStrn) / 3, " 0.00")
End Sub

Public Function FncCorChr(str1$, str2$) As Single
' Correlation by set of characters
' ============================
' Union = Anzahl(1) + Anzahl(2)
' Relation = kleinerer Wert durch größerer Wert
' Durchschnitt = Relation /2
' gewichteter Durchschnitt = Durchschnitt * Union
' Word Correlation WrdCor
' NumCom = Summe aller Vergleiche
' WrdCor = Summe aller ZeichenCorrelationen
' WrdCor = WrdCor / (NumCom/2) 'Durchschnitt der Vergleiche

Dim l As Long

Dim ChrNum As Long
Dim ComNum As Long ' number of comparisons
Dim ChrCor As Single ' character correlation
Dim WrdCor As Single
Dim Union As Long

Dim ArChr01(32 To 255) As Long
Dim ArChr02(32 To 255) As Long

For l = 32 To 255 ' clear arrays
ArChr01(l) = 0
ArChr02(l) = 0
For l = 1 To Len(str1) ' count frequency
ChrNum = Asc(Mid$(str1, l, 1))
ArChr01(ChrNum) = ArChr01(ChrNum) + 1
For l = 1 To Len(str2)
ChrNum = Asc(Mid$(str2, l, 1))
ArChr02(ChrNum) = ArChr02(ChrNum) + 1

ComNum = 0
WrdCor = 0

For l = 32 To 255
Union = ArChr01(l) + ArChr02(l)
If Union = 0 Then GoTo fertig ' Don't process
If ArChr01(l) = 0 Or ArChr02(l) = 0 Then ' zero anyway
ChrCor = 0
GoTo weiter
End If
If ArChr01(l) = ArChr02(l) Then ' short cut
ChrCor = Union / 2
GoTo weiter
End If
If ArChr01(l) <> ArChr02(l) Then
If ArChr01(l) > ArChr02(l) Then
ChrCor = ArChr02(l) / ArChr01(l)
ChrCor = ChrCor / 2
ChrCor = ChrCor * Union
End If
If ArChr01(l) < ArChr02(l) Then
ChrCor = ArChr01(l) / ArChr02(l)
ChrCor = ChrCor / 2
ChrCor = ChrCor * Union
End If
End If
WrdCor = WrdCor + ChrCor
Next l
ComNum = 0

For l = 32 To 255
ComNum = ComNum + ArChr01(l) + ArChr02(l)

FncCorChr = WrdCor / (ComNum / 2)

End Function

Public Function FncCorStr(LongStr$, ShrtStr$) As Single
' get substrings longer than minimum length
' get number of all strings
' get number of common strings
' calculate relation of common strings to all strings

Dim ShrtLen As Long
Dim LongLen As Long

Dim f As Boolean ' found
Dim IsInComm As Boolean ' substring is in common
Dim l As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim p As Long ' position

Dim s0 As String
Dim S1 As String

Dim ShrtLoc As String
Dim LongLoc As String
Dim TempLoc As String
Dim shrtMin As Long
Dim ShrtSum As Long ' 1 + 2 + n for long
Dim LongSum As Long ' 1 + 2 + n for long
Dim HalfArr As Long ' half way of array
Dim HalfStp As Long
Dim ComLSum As Long ' sum of length of common

Dim ShrtStrItm() As String ' substrings short
Dim LongStrItm() As String ' substrings long
Dim CommStrItm() As String ' common strings
Dim ShrtStrFrq() As Long ' frequency short
Dim LongStrFrq() As Long ' frequency long

ShrtLoc = ShrtStr ' local value
LongLoc = LongStr ' local value

ShrtSum = 0
LongSum = 0
LongLoc = LCase(LongLoc)
ShrtLoc = LCase(ShrtLoc)

If Len(ShrtLoc) > Len(LongLoc) Then
TempLoc = LongLoc
LongLoc = ShrtLoc
ShrtLoc = TempLoc
End If

LongLen = Len(LongLoc)
ShrtLen = Len(ShrtLoc)

shrtMin = 2 ' CLng(TxSubMin.Text)
' kürzester zu untersuchender Substring
' ------------------------------------- number of substrings
' --------------------------------------------- Summenformel
For l = 1 To ShrtLen - (shrtMin - 1)
ShrtSum = ShrtSum + l
' ---------------------------- redim array for short strings
ReDim ShrtStrItm(ShrtSum)
ReDim ShrtStrFrq(ShrtSum)

For l = 1 To LongLen - (shrtMin - 1)
LongSum = LongSum + l
' ----------------------------- redim array for long strings
ReDim LongStrItm(LongSum)
ReDim LongStrFrq(LongSum)

' ---------------------- add subs of shorter string to array
n = 0
For l = 1 To ShrtLen - (shrtMin - 1) ' 1 2
p = 0 ' 5
For m = 1 To l
n = n + 1
p = p + 1
ShrtStrItm(n) = Mid(ShrtLoc, p, ShrtLen - l + 1)
' ----------------------- add subs of longer string to array
n = 0
For l = 1 To LongLen - (shrtMin - 1) ' 1 2
p = 0 ' 5
For m = 1 To l
n = n + 1
p = p + 1
LongStrItm(n) = Mid(LongLoc, p, LongLen - l + 1)
' ----------------------------------- Count freqencies short
' -------------------------- get index of first short string
' ------------------------- equal half length of long string

HalfStp = 0
HalfArr = CLng((ShrtLen) / 2)
For l = 1 To HalfArr
HalfStp = HalfStp + l
For l = 1 To HalfStp
ShrtStrFrq(l) = 1
For l = HalfStp + 1 To ShrtSum
ShrtStrFrq(l) = FncStrCnt(ShrtLoc, ShrtStrItm(l))

' --------------------------------- remove double from array

For l = 1 To ShrtSum
For m = l + 1 To ShrtSum
If ShrtStrItm(l) = ShrtStrItm(m) Then
For n = m To ShrtSum - 1
ShrtStrItm(n) = ShrtStrItm(n + 1) ' verschieben
ShrtStrFrq(n) = ShrtStrFrq(n + 1)
Next n
ShrtSum = ShrtSum - 1
ReDim Preserve ShrtStrItm(ShrtSum)
ReDim Preserve ShrtStrFrq(ShrtSum)
Exit For
End If
Next m
Next l

' ---------------- end of collecting data for shorter string

' ----------------------------------- first common substring
' --------------------------- beware of no common substrings

f = False
For l = 1 To ShrtSum
If InStr(LongLoc, ShrtStrItm(l)) > 0 Then
f = True
ReDim CommStrItm(1)
CommStrItm(1) = ShrtStrItm(l)
Exit For
End If
If f = False Then
FncCorStr = 0
Exit Function
End If

n = 1
'--------------------------------- further common substrings
S1 = CommStrItm(1)
For m = l + 1 To ShrtSum ' ab gefunden weitersuchen
s0 = ShrtStrItm(m)
If (InStr(LongLoc, s0) > 0) Then
IsInComm = False
For p = 1 To n
If InStr(CommStrItm(p), s0) > 0 Then
IsInComm = True
Exit For
End If
If Not IsInComm Then
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve CommStrItm(n)
CommStrItm(n) = s0
End If
End If

ComLSum = 0
For l = 1 To n
ComLSum = ComLSum + Len(CommStrItm(l))

If ComLSum > LongLen Then
FncCorStr = LongLen / ComLSum
FncCorStr = ComLSum / LongLen
End If

End Function

Public Function FncStrCnt(Lng$, Shr$) As Long
' ----------------------------------- count string in string
Dim l As Long ' position
Dim m As Long ' counter
l = 1
m = 0
While InStr(l, Lng, Shr) > 0
m = m + 1
l = InStr(l, Lng, Shr) + 1
FncStrCnt = m

End Function


Greetings from Bavaria, Germany

Helmut Weber, MVP WordVBA

Vista Small Business, Office XP

Karl E. Peterson

cyberdude said:
Therefore, I need two functions now. One is to extract the nth
character of a string from the left and the other to convert a
character into an integer.

c = Instr$("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", LCase$(Mid$(TheWord, n, 1)))
May I ask if there exist such functions?

Nope said:
If you think there is a wiser way to find out how different two
strings of equal length is, you are welcome to tell me as well.

No idea. Sounds kinda whacky. I just do code.

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