Connecting OWC to local cube


Magnus Ullman


I have created a local cube from MS Excel2000.
Now I want to connect to this cube using a OWC10 PivotTable. The question is
how the connection-string shall look like?

I have tried this:
PivotTable1.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSOLAP.2;Data Source=E:\MyCube.cub"
Then I get "The query could not be processed: The data provider did not
supply any further error information"

If I add:
PivotTable1.DataMember = "MyCube"
Then I get: "The query could not be processed: The cubename 'MyCube' is

The problem is that I don't know what the cube name is. Is it not the same
as the file-name?

Best Regards
Magnus Ullman

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