Connecting to SQL Server 2005


Paul Nuttall

I can not connect to any SQL Server 2005 systems using Visio 2003.
I used to have SQL 2000 installed on my system and now i have SQL 2005.
I used to be able to set up a DSN to my SQL Server and reverse engineer the
database. Now I can't

Anyone know why? How I get around this?

Al Edlund

I just tried it on mine (first I went through and validated the odbc
definitions and verified that the test worked over there) and was able to
connect and reverse engineer using the Visio EA 2003.

Paul Nuttall

What settings are you using when you set up your DSN via Windows?
What settings are you using in Visio?
When you say ODBC do you mean that you are using the Generic ODBC driver?

Al Edlund

I'm using the sql odbc driver, control panel => administrative tools =>
odbc sources => system dsn => add => sql server, and then fill in the


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