Constant crash


George Spiro

I am having difficulty with MS Project 2000. There a document I am working
on which is in my opinion pretty big I think. 80mb. I dont know if that is
big or not for Microsoft Project standards. I am far from being a expert
with it. The number of lines I am using is 67. The problem is that every
time I start playing around with the file it says the following errors:

Popup box 1:
There is not enough memory to print.
To free up available memory, close programs, projects, or windows you
aren't using, and then try again

Popup box 2:
There is not enough memory to complete the operation, To free up available
memory,close programs, projects, or windows you aren't using, and then try

Popup box 3:
Your system is low on Virtual memory. To ensure that Windows runs properly,
increase the size of your virtual memory paging file. For more information,
see Help

My computer is currently configured with 384mb of RAM and the Virtual memory
is set to 2gigs so I doubt the virtual memory is the problem.

Could you please help me I have been going crazy with this problem for close
to 2 weeks now.


Reid McTaggart

You have two problems. First, 384MB is barely enough to run P2K.

Second, you have file bloat. 80MB is HUGE for a 67-line schedule. P2K has
this problem, in addition to a serious memory leak.

Closing and restarting Project from time to time will help regain memory.
Definitely do not run other applications wwhile you are using Project.

There probably is a more elegant way to fix the file bloat, but one way
would be to copy the tasks to a new project and discard the old one.

Mike Glen

Hi George,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

If you suspect a corrupt file, you could try the suggestions in FAQ Item:
43. File Bloat? - Might be Corruption.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address:

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
Project MVP

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