Converting Word 2003 files to Word 2.x


Lin Randall

We use Folio Views on our web site for and intranet for many of our
legislative documents, and in order to create the .nfo files we must start
with a document in Word 2.x format. Our users have Word 2003 installed, but
many of them do not have the option to save as Word 2.x. I have downloaded
the converter pack but it does not include that option and I have been unable
to find it. Where can I get it?


Talk about your flashbacks :) There is a filter available from MVP Graham
Mayor's site which may help you, but I honestly don't know if it goes back
that far or not - even if it does it may only support read capability for
v.2 without being able to write in that format:

Perhaps Graham will come along and comment on that:)

Another possibility is Conversions Plus from DataViz, though it would be a
separate step to make the conversion rather than a Save As form Word:

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Lin Randall

Thank you for the tip. Although I did not find what I wanted there, I've
bookmarked the site for future reference. I did finally figure this out
though. Users who upgraded from Office 2000 to 2003 still have the
converters for older versions, so I copied the folder TextConv from
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared on one of the upgraded PC's to
mine and registered the files. It works!


Good to know - thanks for sharing your solution!

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Graham Mayor

The old filter should be able to read and write the old Dos Word format,
though the registry patch supplied only allows for the document to be read.
To persuade it to save you need also the following registry patch:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Name"="Word for DOS"
"Path"="C:\\Program Files\\Common Files\\Microsoft

The save routine provides for the option to save style sheets, I could not
persuade this to work, but guess it may be path related as DOS did not allow
the long pathnames common with Windows. You will need to expertinent.

Note that the patches are for Word 2003. I have not tested this filter with
Word 2007 (which would require its own set of registry entries)

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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