Create default text based on another text field


derek glos


I have two databases - one existing and a new one I am creating. They are
very simple, direct input straight into the table in datasheet view - no
input forms etc. I am capturing the names of individuals. I have a FirstName
field. I want to autopopulate another field KnownAs with the contents of this
field. Then where an individual is known in everyday life by a different
first name I can manually overwrite the KnownAs field ith this information.
This makes for a more presonalised way of working.

The nearest I can get is by specifying a default value in the design of the
KnownAs field of =FirstName but all this does is bring in the text FirstName
not the value held in the record. (I have tried enclosing the Forename in
parentheses but it returns the same result)

If possible I would like to get the KnownAs field populated on the existing
database by some simple command and then for both this database and the new
one I am creating to populate the KnownAs field as the information is put
into the FirstName field on a new record.

Does anybody have any advice please? Thanks in advance.

Stefan Hoffmann

hi Derek,

derek said:
I have two databases - one existing and a new one I am creating. They are
very simple, direct input straight into the table in datasheet view.>
Does anybody have any advice please? Thanks in advance.
As long as you want your users to enter data into tables directly, there
is no way to do that.

As working with tables directly is a bad habit, create form base on your
table, drag all fields on it and display it in datasheet view. This
looks like your raw table access, but you can now do some programming on
the controls behind.

--> stefan <--

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