Create One Formula for Entire Column


Andrea from MN

I am guessing there is an easy answer to this question and I am really hoping
someone can help me out. What I want to do is take prices in one column and
discount them to a sale price in another column. I don't want to keep
entering in the the same formula into each cell but wanted to know if there
was an easier way to do it. So here I go:

Formula I am trying: =PRODUCT (B*.6)

Column B: Has Regular Priced Items (3000 to be exact)
Column L: Has Sale Price Heading

I want to be able to have all regular priced items 40% off. Is there a way
to type in one formula into column L to get the same results for all cells.
Can I somewhere type the above formula or do I need to do this in each
column? What I am hoping NOT to do is go into each cell and edit the formula.
For example,

Column L

L3 =PROD(B3*.6)
L4 =PROD(B4*.6)
L5 =PROD(B5*.6)

Am I going to have to go down the entire row and do this or can I just do
one equation that will work for every cell?

Thanks so much in advance!


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