Creating AutoText


Anne P.


I have a userform with two textboxes: txtReLine and txtATName. After the
user fills out these two textboxes, I am trying to create an AutoText entry
in a template named in the Word startup directory. I am
creating a hidden instance of Word and opening a new document to insert the
text from txtReline, so that I can then either select it or assign it to a
range and then create an AutoText entry.

If I run the macro to open the userform, I get an error message "Object
variable or with block variable not set" and nothing happens. If I step
through the code in VB Editor, an AutoText entry is created in the template, but is created under the category Normal and the
value is empty. On the line "selection.typetext" the text is typed into the
active document, not the new document that is created. I believe from this
point, I need to somehow assign the text that is entered into the document
to a range object, but I am not sure how to accomplish this.

Below is the relevant code from the cmdOK button. I appreciate any help
with this.

strATCategory = "ReLine"
' Create new hidden instance of Word.
Set wdApp = New Word.Application
' Create a new document.
Set docNew = wdApp.Documents.Add
' Add text to document.
strReLine = txtReLine.Text
Selection.TypeText strReLine
'Create autotext in

' assign the global template to an object
strPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) & _
Set objTemplate = Templates(strPath)

On Error Resume Next
bRemoveStyle = False
' if the style already exists, this succeeds
Set oNewStyle = docNew.Styles(strATCategory)
If Err.Number < 0 Then
' the style didn't exist, so create it
Set oNewStyle = _
bRemoveStyle = True
End If

' change style of selection's paragraph to new category
bmrange.Style = docNew.Styles(strATCategory)

' add AT entry to global template
objTemplate.AutoTextEntries.Add Name:=strATName, _

' reverse style assignment

' remove new style if it was created by this code
If bRemoveStyle Then
End If

'Close document without saving changes.
With docNew

.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End With
Set wdApp = Nothing
Unload Me

Anne P.

Anne P.

I notice after sending this message that some of the code refers to the
ActiveDocument. I changed that to docNew, but it still doesn't work as

Anne P.

Jay Freedman

Hi Anne,

I finally had some time to look at this. It took a fair amount of
adjustment to get the details right, but the overall plan is correct.
Compare this version of cmdOK_Click() to the one you posted, and feel
free to ask any questions about the differences.

One thing that makes a big difference is to include the statement
Option Explicit at the top of each module. This forces you to declare
each variable you use, and it pops up an error if you try to use one
that hasn't been defined. In your code, bmrange is never defined
before you try to assign a style to it, which is one reason the
category never appears. The article at explains
the use of the option.

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Dim strATCategory As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim docNew As Document
Dim objTemplate As Template
Dim oNewStyle As Style
Dim ATrange As Range

' validate both text boxes
If txtReLine.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please supply text"
Exit Sub
End If

If txtATName.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please supply name"
Exit Sub
End If

strATCategory = "ReLine"

' Create a new document.
Set docNew = Documents.Add(Visible:=False)
' assign range in docNew
Set ATrange = docNew.Range

' Add text to document.
ATrange.Text = txtReLine.Text

'Create autotext in

' assign the global template to an object
strPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdStartupPath) & _
Set objTemplate = Templates(strPath)

On Error Resume Next
' if the style already exists, this succeeds
Set oNewStyle = docNew.Styles(strATCategory)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' the style didn't exist, so create it
Set oNewStyle = _
End If

' change style of selection's paragraph to new category
ATrange.Style = oNewStyle

' exclude the paragraph mark
ATrange.MoveEnd unit:=wdCharacter, Count:=-1

' add AT entry to global template
objTemplate.AutoTextEntries.Add Name:=txtATName.Text, _

'Close document without saving changes.
docNew.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges

Unload Me
End Sub

Anne P.


Thank you so much for your response. This worked very well except for two

1. The AutoText entry was saved in, but under the category
Normal, not under the category ReLine. However, I fixed that little problem
for now by creating a style in named ReLine. That will do for
now, however, if I give the users another type of macro to create other
AutoText entries, they would have to create a style in before it
would work for them. Although that might not be a problem. The reason that
I want it under this category is so that I can fill a list box or combo box
with all AutoText entries that are under that category.

2. After this macro has been run, when the user exits Word, they get
prompted to save changes to While I know (and you probably do
also) that this should not "freak out" users, the reality is that it does.
In a large firm, the Help Desk would be inundated with calls about why they
are being asked to save changes to Is there anyway that I can
save the changes to this template programmatically?

By the way, I do have Option Explicit at the top of the module for the
Userform. Also, all of the variables used in the cmdOK portion that I sent
you were declared (including bmrange). When I saw your modified code, at
first I thought that even though I had declared bmrange, I thought that it
didn't work because of how I declared it. As a matter of fact, all of the
variables that you have declared underneath cmdOK, I had declared also. I
had them declared at the top of the module right below Option Explicit and
declared as follows: Public bmrange as Range. I did it that way because
several of the variables I need to use in other parts of the module (such as
txtReLine_Change). I thought that if I didn't do the declarations at the
top as public, that each portion of the userform code I would have to
re-declare the variable to use it again.

Sometimes, I am a little unsure of the proper way and/or place to declare my

Once again, thank you so much for your help with this. You are the best.

Anne P.

Anne P.

I just found out how to save the changes to after an AutoText
entry is created there. Remembering that I havea variable name objTemplate
and is assigned to that variable, the line of code is:

objTemplate.Saved = True

Anne P.

Jay Freedman

First on the matter of saving I'm afraid you got the
wrong end of the handle there. The .Saved property is just a "flag"
(in the sense of the little red flag on a mailbox) that tells Word
whether there are any changes that need to be saved. When you set it
to True, you're telling Word "don't bother to save this, there aren't
any changes in it". Instead, what you should include in your code is


which does save the changes and, as a side-effect, also sets the
..Saved property to True.

Regarding the category in which the autotexts are created: What I
found in my testing was that the ReLine style needs to exist in the template before the macro runs, but it doesn't have to be
in That shouldn't be a problem if you're supplying the
empty as part of your setup.

Finally, about where variables should be declared: This is a general
programming idea called "scope", or the lifetime of the variable. This
is explained at more length in the VBA help topics on "Understanding
the Lifetime of Variables" and "Understanding Scope and Visibility",
but here's the short version:

- If you declare a variable between a Sub statement and its matching
End Sub, that variable exists only while that subroutine is executing
(it's a "local" variable). As soon as execution exits from the
subroutine, the memory corresponding to the variable is discarded and
the variable name has no meaning. You can declare local variables in
different subroutines, all using the same variable name, but they will
refer to different values in memory and won't have any effect on each

- If you declare a variable outside any subroutine and use the Private
keyword, the scope of the variable is the current module. Different
subroutines in the module share the same piece of memory, and one
subroutine can set a value that will be available for use in another
subroutine. Sometimes that's what you want, but often it's just a trap
that will lead you into hard-to-diagnose logic errors.

- If you declare a variable outside any subroutine and use the Public
keyword, the scope of the variable is the current project (usually the
template). This has the same danger of logic errors as Private
declaration, but worse because there are more places you can make a
wrong assignment.

Note that by declaring a single Public variable instead of separate
local variables, you are *not* "saving effort" or "saving memory" --
you're making a mistake.

In order to know whether you really need the same value of the same
variable in two or more subroutines, I'd have to look at all of the
code and know how you're using the variable. In this case, though, I
doubt that bmrange had any usable value -- it would have had to
correspond to the location of the inserted text in a document that
didn't exist until this subroutine created it, and that no longer
exists after this subroutine exits.

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