css for editable region in DWT


BA Finstead

I am an admitted newbie. FP 2003. I have created a DWT with an external css
and with a single editable field, and have attached the DWT to a number of
pages. On one of the attached pages, I would like to change the Body Normal
Font, and also the hyperlink characteristics. Apparently I cannot do so with
a style sheet; is there an option other than creating a second DWT with a
different external css, or just changing everything manually? Many thanks.


In the DWT add an extra editable region in the <head> section, below the
call to the existing style sheet.

<link relative type="text/css href="styles.css">

<!-- #BeginEditable "moreStyles" -->
<!-- place extra styles here -->
<style type="text/css">
a {text-decoration:none;}
<!-- #EndEditable -->


Update your pages with the edited DWT.

You can then edit the styles (or link to another style sheet) in individual
pages within the new editable region.

Jens Peter Karlsen[FP MVP]

You can use an internal stylesheet. That will override the external
stylesheet. You only need to specify the styles that are different, the
rest will be picked up from the external stylesheet.
You can also use inline styles if it is only a few places you need
changes. This will override both an external and internal stylesheet.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.

BA Finstead


BA Finstead

Ronx said:
In the DWT add an extra editable region in the <head> section, below the
call to the existing style sheet.

<link relative type="text/css href="styles.css">

<!-- #BeginEditable "moreStyles" -->
<!-- place extra styles here -->
<style type="text/css">
a {text-decoration:none;}
<!-- #EndEditable -->


Update your pages with the edited DWT.

You can then edit the styles (or link to another style sheet) in individual
pages within the new editable region.

BA Finstead


BA Finstead

Jens Peter Karlsen said:
You can use an internal stylesheet. That will override the external
stylesheet. You only need to specify the styles that are different, the
rest will be picked up from the external stylesheet.
You can also use inline styles if it is only a few places you need
changes. This will override both an external and internal stylesheet.

Regards Jens Peter Karlsen. Microsoft MVP - Frontpage.
-----Original Message-----
From: BA Finstead [mailto:[email protected]]
Posted At: 22. januar 2005 03:47
Posted To: microsoft.public.frontpage.client
Conversation: css for editable region in DWT
Subject: css for editable region in DWT

I am an admitted newbie. FP 2003. I have created a DWT with
an external css and with a single editable field, and have
attached the DWT to a number of pages. On one of the
attached pages, I would like to change the Body Normal Font,
and also the hyperlink characteristics. Apparently I cannot
do so with a style sheet; is there an option other than
creating a second DWT with a different external css, or just
changing everything manually? Many thanks.

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