Cycle back to first record

  • Thread starter Me!Frustrated = True
  • Start date

Me!Frustrated = True

Is there a way to set a forms Cycle or other property (Single form,) so that
if a user is at the last record then navigating to the next record will take
them back to the first record?

Or perhaps there is another way to improve on what I'm trying to do. I have
a form for Equipment Maintenance that shows both current issues and those
that have been resolved. I put a very basic "Find" button on the form, so
that if multiple problems exist for the same Unit, the button will navigate
through each record for that Unit as follows:
Private Sub cmdProblems_Click()
Dim myAsset As Long
myAsset = Me.AssetID
DoCmd.FindRecord myAsset, , , , , , False

Problem is, FindRecord only gives me the option of starting at the first
record, or starting at the record following the current one. If the user is
looking at the most recent record, FindRecord will not go back to the start
and cycle through them again. Do I have another option?


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