Data Type Conversion Error



I have a form that has a combo box on it with predetermined numeric values to
choose from. After a value is chosen a button is clicked that triggers a
'make table' query to create a temporary table of data.

I get an error message when I run this procedure: Microsoft can't add all
the records in the update or append query. It set 6 fields to Null due to a
type conversion failure.

When I go behind the scenes and look at the table design the two fields in
question are being set to 'Binary' data type. How do I overcome this error?
Is there something about data in combo boxes that causes this to happen?

Allen Browne

That should not happen with JET tables (tables in Access).

In any case, Make Table queries are of very limited use. Instead, create the
table so you have the fields of the type you want, and with the properties
you want set. Then use an Append query to populate this correctly setup


Thanks, but I tried that initially and got a similar message - the append
failed because of a type conversion problem.

Allen Browne

Okay, so ask Acces what is going on.

When it fails you will probably get a "Paste Errors" table or some such,
with info as to which records cannot be added. What's the story with the
records in this table?

If there is a calculate field somewhere in the expression, the problem might
be there (in the calculation.)

Otherwise it could be in the properties of the field.

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