Displaying zeros (0) in contact information


D Reilly

In Ireland phone nuymbers usually start with 0857103245 or 0909627457 i.e.
prefix is a 0.
I'm trying to design a form which requests contact information to be entered
into a database and one of the items is contact number. It must start with a
0 but when the number is types in and I move to the next field the 0 is lost
displaying only 857103245 or 909627457. It's probably a simple fix but I
can't get it in the help section.

Jerry Whittle

Telephone numbers aren't numbers! Change the data type from Number to Text.
Numbers can't be stored with leading zeros. Text can.

If you are going to do math on it, it's a number. If you are just storing
something, like a telephone number which you would never multiply by 2), keep
it text.


Probably the best thing to do is use a text field in your table rather than
a number field.
Number data types do not carry leading zeros. You can display numeric data
with leading zeros by using the format function, but in this case, a text
field would be a better choice.

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