Does anyone have a project plan I can download to practice on?

  • Thread starter Christine Smith
  • Start date

Christine Smith

Just need to download a plan I can play around with while I familiarize
myself with Project 2007. I'll be working in a server environment. I was an
expert 7 years ago. What training would you recommend to update my skills
after a 7 year absence? Thanks for your help!


Just need to download a plan I can play around with while I familiarize
myself with Project 2007. I'll be working in a server environment. I was an
expert 7 years ago. What training would you recommend to update my skills
after a 7 year absence? Thanks for your help!


There are quite a bit of training that you can do as far as Project /
project Server is concerned. You will need to decide what you would
like to do as there are 2 major areas in Project 2007 , "Cleint Side
and Server Side"

The "Client Side will focus more on End user training eg: how to
create a schedule , publish , Add resources , buildind a team and The
PWA (Web) environment , this like completng a timesheet , time and
task approvals, data analysis resource plans etc.

The server side focuses allot more on configuring and maintaining the
Servers, eg Sharepoint , Project server itself as well as a bit of SQL

Then you could go and do the MS Exams aswell and get yourself
Qualified!! The exams are:

Exam 70-632

Exam 70-633

Exam 70-634

Exam 70-639

Hope this helps you and good Luck , if you have a look in MSP you will
find quite a few templates there that you can use to practise on.


A. Saleh

Hi Andre
Where can I go and do the MS Exams you indicated !! is it online.
Thanks in Advance

Dale Howard [MVP]

Christine --

You might want to register for one of our Project Server 2007 courses for
project managers to help you with the Project Server knowledge you need to
acquire. You can register for an upcoming course at:

Regarding a plan you can download, you actually have a number of useful
templates already installed with the software. Launch Microsoft Project
2007 and then click File - New. In the New Project sidepane, click the "On
computer" link. In the Tempalates dialog, you will find all of the default
templates that ship with the tool. Hope this helps.

Steve House

In addition to the other comments, if all you need is a sample file or two,
go to the File menu, New file seclection, and click the "Templates" tab. A
template is just an ordinary project file saved for reuse in creating new,
similar projects. You'll find example projects of a number of different
types there.

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