Double clicking to open Word XML files in Word, and Excel XML file



I have two documents with the same file extension (.xml) – one was created
with Word 2007 and saved as Word 2007 XML, and the other was created with
Excel 2007 and saved as Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003. When I double click the
Word XML document, it opens in Word 2007. However, if I double click the
Excel XML document, it also opens in Word (in the not-so-helpful XML view).
If I change the default program to Excel, then both files open in Excel.

Is there a way that I can double click and open Word XML files in Word, and
Excel XML files in Excel?

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QmF5b0lU?=,
I have two documents with the same file extension (.xml) – one was created
with Word 2007 and saved as Word 2007 XML, and the other was created with
Excel 2007 and saved as Excel XML Spreadsheet 2003. When I double click the
Word XML document, it opens in Word 2007. However, if I double click the
Excel XML document, it also opens in Word (in the not-so-helpful XML view).
If I change the default program to Excel, then both files open in Excel.

Is there a way that I can double click and open Word XML files in Word, and
Excel XML files in Excel?
Saving a Word 2007 XML file as "Word 2007 XML" should create a file with the
extension *.docx. Is that what you mean? Or do you mean the Word 2003 file

Why would you save the Excel file in Excel 2003 XML file format and not the
2007 file format?

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



I have saved both files as (.xml) extensions and not as (.docx) or (*.xlsx),
the reason for this is so that I can run a search of content within the
files. I also use the 2007 suite, all files are saved in 2007 XML format with
(.xml) as an extension.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?QmF5b0lU?=,
I have saved both files as (.xml) extensions and not as (.docx) or (*.xlsx),
the reason for this is so that I can run a search of content within the
files. I also use the 2007 suite, all files are saved in 2007 XML format with
(.xml) as an extension.
Saving with the xml extension is what's causing the problem.

Thw Office 2007 file formats are "zip package" formats: a collection of XML

Office 2007 is designed to open files with certain file extensions in a
particular way. If it sees a .doc it opens the file as a Word 2003 document. If
it sees docx or docm it opens it as a Word 2007 document. And so on.

If you have a "plain" xml extension, Windows uses the program you assigned to
that file extension to open the program.

If your software can search the "zip packages" with a xml file extension it
should be able to search them with the Office 2007 extension.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)



I see your point, I think the problem is the files are not opening in the
correct program. If I save an xml file that was created in excel it will try
and open in word. If I save an xml file created in word, it will also try and
open in word.

The default program for opening the files is set to word, however if I
change it to excel then it will try and open all the word files in excel
(offcourse not the doc or docx).

thank you

with regards

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