Drop down list question



I have say 10 locations coded in 4 digits; we'll call the first on "ABCD",
the second "ABCE", and a third we will call "1234". I have created a
location on a page that has the drop down list of what I call "LocCode". In
the actual spread sheet that I created the "LocCode" reference in column "A"
(cell addresses 1 - 10) I have a "LocDescription" reference in column "B"
(and also in corresponding cell addresses 1 -10).

What I am trying to do is that if on the next spread sheet (same workbook) I
drop down "LocCode" "ABCD" in cell B4; I want then the automatic input in
cell B6 to include the "LocDescription". I attempted to use:
as the data validation with list; however this did not work and I have
attempted additional possibilities.

Any suggestions would be extremely helpful and thank you in advance!


If you are trying to get help with Indirect, it would probably better
to give the actual references and formulas. How do your 4 digit codes
turn into a reference? Are there names already defined? What is the
actual output supposed to be in B6?

Also, if LocDescription is a Named Range, you don't need the quotes ""
in the formula.


I don't know if I should use "indirect" - I just believe that I should. The
4 digit codes are currently listed as 1 complete reference "LocCode". The
location description is just a general location description, i.e.,
Jacksonville, FL for example. On the sheet where I want the location
description to display (B6) after entering the drop down list of LocCode
(B4), all that should show is "Jacksonville, FL".

The Location Descriptions are referenced as a group "LocDescription"
(Jacksonville, FL). So too the "LocCode" (4 digits) as in "ABCD". All 10
(LocCode in Column A and LocDescriptions in Column B) are grouped in both
columns. I feel I am on the correct path; however, it is also turning out

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you for your original post I would be happy to attempt any suggestions
you pose.


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