Drop down lists limit?


Ian Gordon


I'm setting up some forms in Word 2000 for user completion, but
unfortunately became stuck when the number of items I could place into a
drop down list was limited to 25.

Is there any way of exceeding this limit? Is there a setting that I can
change to allow more items?

Why 25?!? I have just under 40 options fro user to select from.

Any help much appreciated.

(e-mail address removed)


Ian, I ran into the same problem. MS thought no one would need more than
25. It is hard coded.




Another possible solution is something I ended up doing as I was stuck
as well with the drop down number limit.

I created a template and used auto text inserts. Most people never use
the ones that Bill included in MS Word "Your Sincerely"etc. I ended up
deleteing all of these from the Normal.dot file and set up new ones
that were only attached to the template I was creating. So when I open
Word normally it had NO autotext entries, but when I opened my
template (that include a variety of form fileds as well), I had a
section that was unprotected allowing me to use the autotext entries
which now appear in a new menu bar I created at the side of the doc
(it only appear active when you are in unprotected parts of a form).
in my case the most complex template has 32 categories (styles) of
entries with roughly 16 entires in each. These will only appear when
this template is active as they are attached to the template itself
not Normal.dot

For overall protect the template is locked and cannot be tampered with
unless the get the password...which I guard!!

Hope this helps.


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