Duplicates Query question



I have a table with the following fields:

ID# Fax# Contact Name

And I've created Query to find Duplicates from the Fax# field:

SELECT MyTable.ID#, MyTable.Fax#, MyTable.Contact_Name
FROM MyTable
WHERE (((MyTable.Fax#) In (SELECT [Fax#] FROM [MyTable] As Tmp GROUP BY
[Fax#] HAVING Count(*)>1 )) AND ((MyTable.Fax#)<>"") AND
((MyTable.Contact_Name) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY MyTable.Fax#;

Is it possible to then select all instances of the duplicate Fax# where
Contact_Name is not duplicated?

Many thanks,

Steven Chicago,Illinois

"PaulM" ,

Just a guess, and I hope a MVP will correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't
you group by ID# and Group by Contact Name? Try using the query design grid
and use the grouping option for both columns. See what your results come up.
Only have the two data fields /columns from your source table.
Good Luck,

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