E-mail accounts


Simon Pollock

I have two e-mail accounts which I use in Entourage, one personal, one
business. In Entourage for OS 9 if I received an e-mail in my personal
account and clicked reply it would automatically provide a reply e-mail with
my personal template; the same for business. In OS X if I receive a personal
e-mail and click reply a business e-mail template appears. I do have
business set as my default e-mail account but is there a way to set up
replies to appear for each account?

Mickey Stevens

Go to Entourage -> Mail and News Preferences, click the "Reply & Forward"
tab, and make sure the option to "Reply using the default account" is not
checked. If it is, uncheck it and click OK.

Messages should then reply from the account to which they were sent. If you
continue to see the business signature appearing, look at the "From:" pop-up
above the recipients in the message composition. If you see that the
account is correct but the wrong signature appears, go to Tools -> Accounts,
open each account, choose the "Options" tab, and make sure your signature
choice is what you want.

Barry Wainwright

I have two e-mail accounts which I use in Entourage, one personal, one
business. In Entourage for OS 9 if I received an e-mail in my personal
account and clicked reply it would automatically provide a reply e-mail with
my personal template; the same for business. In OS X if I receive a personal
e-mail and click reply a business e-mail template appears. I do have
business set as my default e-mail account but is there a way to set up
replies to appear for each account?

In 'mail & News' preferences, under the 'reply & fwd' tab, have you checked
the checkbox for 'Reply using default account'?

Simon Pollock

Go to Entourage -> Mail and News Preferences, click the "Reply & Forward"
tab, and make sure the option to "Reply using the default account" is not
checked. If it is, uncheck it and click OK.

Messages should then reply from the account to which they were sent. If you
continue to see the business signature appearing, look at the "From:" pop-up
above the recipients in the message composition. If you see that the
account is correct but the wrong signature appears, go to Tools -> Accounts,
open each account, choose the "Options" tab, and make sure your signature
choice is what you want.
I have done as you suggested, however when I now reply to a business e-mail,
my personal account appears. When I reply to a personal e-mail, my personal
account appears as well. My default account is set to business and the
signatures are correct for each account.

Barry Wainwright

I have done as you suggested, however when I now reply to a business e-mail,
my personal account appears. When I reply to a personal e-mail, my personal
account appears as well. My default account is set to business and the
signatures are correct for each account.

Does each account receive it's own mail from it's own server, or have you
got (for example) your work mail being forwarded to your home email address
and collected from the home account in Entourage?

If so, you need to change the mail account in entourage with the aid of an
applescript and mail rule:

Set up a script like this:

property accountName : "my_account_Name"
tell application "Microsoft Entourage"
set accList to (every POP account whose name contains accountName)
if accList = {} then
display dialog "No Account defined!" buttons {"Quit"} default button
1 with icon stop
set theAcc to item 1 of accList
set messList to current messages
if messList = {} then
display dialog "No messages selected!" buttons {"Quit"} default
button 1 with icon stop
repeat with aMess in messList
set account of aMess to theAcc
end repeat
end if
end if
end tell

(put the name of your account (the one that appears in the list of accounts
in the Œaccounts¹ window) into the first line)

Save the list somewhere sensible. It is useful to put it into the Entourage
Script Menu Items folder so you can also run the script manually if you ever
need to.

Now, set up a mail rule that looks for some unique identifier (such as your
work email address) and set the rule¹s action to run the script.
Make sure the rule is at the top of the rule lists and that you check the
enabled box and Uncheck the box that says ³co not apply other rules to
messages that meet these criteria²

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