E-mail using Send Object



Hi all,
Is it possible to have one report and e-mail that one report to
various recipients after setting the record source based on
information in a table? By this I mean that I have a report: "rpt_CAR"
and a table (tbl_ReportList) in access that has three fields Id,
QueryName and EmailAddress. I would like to send "rpt_CAR" to JSmith
and QJohnson to the e-mail address listed in the table for them and
after setting the recordsource of the report to the QueryName
associated with them. (I hope that's clear).
I'm using
'Email = rst!Address' and 'Qry = rst!QueryName' to pull the
information from the table. And DoCmd.SendObject acReport, "rpt_CAR",
"SnapshotFormat(*.snp)".... To send the e-mail.

This is a sample of what the table looks like:
tbl_Report List
Id Query Name EmailAddress
1 qry_Smith
(e-mail address removed)
2 qry_Johnson (e-mail address removed)

Does anyone know how I can do this with SendObject?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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