Editing button images


Francis Hookam

OS 10.3 and XL 10.0.0

No facility for editing button images!

Being used to assigning macros to tool bar buttons in XL 2001 it comes as a
big disappointment to no be able to do so in XL 10

I've done it often enough so I shall be surprised if I have missed something

Have I?

I hope not

Francis Hookham

JE McGimpsey

Francis Hookam said:
OS 10.3 and XL 10.0.0

No facility for editing button images!

Being used to assigning macros to tool bar buttons in XL 2001 it comes as a
big disappointment to no be able to do so in XL 10

I've done it often enough so I shall be surprised if I have missed something

Have I?

I hope not

You haven't missed anything. But I'd call removing the button editor a
step in the right direction, not a disappointment. MS actually got rid
of a mediocre feature that other apps do better, and instead greatly
expanded the ability to make customized buttons.

You can now paste an image of just about any size from the clipboard
onto a button. See Help ("Copy an image from a graphics program to a
toolbar button or menu command"). It will be scaled to fit (20 x 20
works best, but I've successfully put a 400 x 400 image on a button) and
it looks decent!

Office's button editor was pretty limited, and there are dozens of image
editors that can produce top quality button images. As you have OS 10.3,
you have GraphicConverter. Click New and create a 20 x 20 image. Blow it
up to 400% or so using the Zoom selector at the lower left corner of the
window. You can then use the pencil/eraser/paintbucket icons in much the
same way that the older button editor worked (though with far more
colors and options). Use CMD-A to select the whole image, copy with
CMD-C, then follow the directions in Help to paste the image onto the

Pictures are even easier - just copy the picture to the clipboard (trim
it square using a photo editor, if desired), then paste it onto the
button as Help describes - Office will scale the image for display.

Daiya Mitchell

Thanks, JE, very helpful, that worked great. Using a dark green icon to
denote a light green highlight was getting on my nerves.

Francis Hookam

Thanks JE - I cannot find an observation I thought I posted earlier today so
I shall make it here

I cannot find anyway to paste an image onto a button

Customise > right click* on button > click the down arrow beside the button
image to reveal the Command Properties window and there is nowhere to paste
- there used to be (apart from 42 built-in buttons) Copy, Paste, Reset and
Edit - now there's only Reset!

Any suggestions - I think I only left out Office Assistant and clip-art when
I loaded Office

Thanks for your unstinted and continuous help

Francis Hookham

* thank goodness for a two button wheel mouse - why has Apple not learnt
that one!

Francis Hookam said:
OS 10.3 and XL 10.0.0

No facility for editing button images!

Being used to assigning macros to tool bar buttons in XL 2001 it comes as a
big disappointment to no be able to do so in XL 10

I've done it often enough so I shall be surprised if I have missed something

Have I?

I hope not

You haven't missed anything. But I'd call removing the button editor a
step in the right direction, not a disappointment. MS actually got rid
of a mediocre feature that other apps do better, and instead greatly
expanded the ability to make customized buttons.

You can now paste an image of just about any size from the clipboard
onto a button. See Help ("Copy an image from a graphics program to a
toolbar button or menu command"). It will be scaled to fit (20 x 20
works best, but I've successfully put a 400 x 400 image on a button) and
it looks decent!

Office's button editor was pretty limited, and there are dozens of image
editors that can produce top quality button images. As you have OS 10.3,
you have GraphicConverter. Click New and create a 20 x 20 image. Blow it
up to 400% or so using the Zoom selector at the lower left corner of the
window. You can then use the pencil/eraser/paintbucket icons in much the
same way that the older button editor worked (though with far more
colors and options). Use CMD-A to select the whole image, copy with
CMD-C, then follow the directions in Help to paste the image onto the

Pictures are even easier - just copy the picture to the clipboard (trim
it square using a photo editor, if desired), then paste it onto the
button as Help describes - Office will scale the image for display.

JE McGimpsey

Francis Hookam said:
Customise > right click* on button > click the down arrow beside the button
image to reveal the Command Properties window and there is nowhere to paste
- there used to be (apart from 42 built-in buttons) Copy, Paste, Reset and
Edit - now there's only Reset!

I missed it the first time - you're in 10.0.0. The button customization
was left out of the original v.X version (I suspect to get it to market
on time). It was restored, IIRC, in SP1. Install that update and you'll
find the paste option.

Francis Hookam

What a service - thanks


Francis Hookam said:
Customise > right click* on button > click the down arrow beside the button
image to reveal the Command Properties window and there is nowhere to paste
- there used to be (apart from 42 built-in buttons) Copy, Paste, Reset and
Edit - now there's only Reset!

I missed it the first time - you're in 10.0.0. The button customization
was left out of the original v.X version (I suspect to get it to market
on time). It was restored, IIRC, in SP1. Install that update and you'll
find the paste option.

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