Email addresses


Tom Pepper Willett

If the email address can be seen in the html/code view, it is seen by the

Take a look at the free fp addin "spam spoiler":
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
|I have heard this, and want to know if it is true.
| If you display email addresses, even those that are retrieved from a DB, a
| web worm can go in and get them, and BAM mass spam email. But, if you just
| put a pic there, and let the hyperlink value open up OE or whatever their
| default email program is, with the email value, a webworm can't see
| the pic.
| Is this true??
| Jeff


I have heard this, and want to know if it is true.

If you display email addresses, even those that are retrieved from a DB, a
web worm can go in and get them, and BAM mass spam email. But, if you just
put a pic there, and let the hyperlink value open up OE or whatever their
default email program is, with the email value, a webworm can't see through
the pic.
Is this true??


ok, thanks...and since the asp would display the names in the html after it
is retrieved from the server.. even that would be able to be spamed....

thanks a bunch

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