Entourage 12.0.1 crashing on rules



Hello All,

When executing any rule in Entourage, either manually or on automatic
send/receive, the program hangs and then quits. Am I the only one with this
problem? I can now only use Entourage without rules, but I really need them...

(Yes, I have reported this to MS, but I hope someone finds a workaround
since updates tend to take a while to appear...)

Diane Ross

When executing any rule in Entourage, either manually or on automatic
send/receive, the program hangs and then quits. Am I the only one with this
problem? I can now only use Entourage without rules, but I really need them...

Could be corrupt rules. Try creating a new rule based on the old rule. Does
the new rule work? Did you reset folder ID for destination folder in rules
after updating?


Diane Ross said:
Could be corrupt rules. Try creating a new rule based on the old rule. Does
the new rule work? Did you reset folder ID for destination folder in rules
after updating?

Thanks for your reply, Diane. This crossed my mind as well, so I already
tried resetting folder ID's and creating brand new rules. To no avail. Also,
Entourage crashes as well on rules that do not refer to folders, such as a
simple 'Play Sound'-rule applied to all incoming mail. The crashes also occur
when I select 'apply rule' on a single email, by the way.

But apparently, I am the only one experiencing this problem (or it is a
problem related to the Dutch localization, and no other Dutch users are
around here). I think I might try a complete reinstall and reupgrade; perhaps
something went wrong there. If you have any other ideas, I would be glad to
hear them...

Kind regards,

Diane Ross

Thanks for your reply, Diane. This crossed my mind as well, so I already
tried resetting folder ID's and creating brand new rules. To no avail. Also,
Entourage crashes as well on rules that do not refer to folders, such as a
simple 'Play Sound'-rule applied to all incoming mail. The crashes also occur
when I select 'apply rule' on a single email, by the way.

But apparently, I am the only one experiencing this problem (or it is a
problem related to the Dutch localization, and no other Dutch users are
around here). I think I might try a complete reinstall and reupgrade; perhaps
something went wrong there. If you have any other ideas, I would be glad to
hear them...

Usually doing a re-install doesn't fix problems like this. I suspect it's
your database. We need to eliminate your User's folder and your Identity.

1. eliminate your User's folder. Go to System Preferences --> Create a New
User in Accounts. Switch to the New User by logging out/in or use Fast User
Switching. Test Entourage there. Test first in a new Entourage Identity,
then test by bringing over your problem Identity to the new User for

If your database worked in the new User then the problem is in your User's
folder. If it only worked in a new Identity in the new User, then it's your

Remember if you moved your Identity to Shared folder to move it back to your
Documents folder after testing.

If it is your Identity.....

1. Create a new Identity
2. Enter account info
3. enter a rule for testing and run on some sample messages

If the problem goes away then it was your database. Complete moving over
your data.

4. Import via MBOX & tab delimited files OR use Entourage archive. (see how
to manually move your data for full

5. Option drag over your Signature file. You could try your old rules file
but you are going to have to reset them anyway. I would start from scratch.
Make screenshots for easier setup.

If you still have problem.....
What version Mac OS X are you running?

What version Microsoft Entourage are you using? Including update if any. How
to find version info:



Thanks again, Diane. Unfortunately, neither a new account nor a new identity
did the trick - and even a fresh install of Office (after removing all
identity files) and upgraded to 12.0.1 crashes on any rule execution
regardless its contents. I'm really afraid this must be a bug (perhaps only
in the Dutch version). Unfortunately I know no other Mac users already
running office 2008 Dutch to try to duplicate this.

I'm on OSX 10.5.2, Office 12.0.1 Home/student Dutch.

Maybe in 12.0.2...


To be more complete:

Last update applied: zondag, 9 maart 2008 23

Microsoft Entourage.app: 12.0.1
Microsoft Excel.app: 12.0.1
Microsoft Word.app: 12.0.1
Microsoft PowerPoint.app: 12.0.1
Microsoft Messenger.app: 6.0.3
MicrosoftComponentPlugin:zondag, 9 maart 2008 23:11:38
Junk E-Mail Protection:zaterdag, 1 december 2007 10:27:09
Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C31)

Diane Ross

Thanks again, Diane. Unfortunately, neither a new account nor a new identity
did the trick - and even a fresh install of Office (after removing all
identity files) and upgraded to 12.0.1 crashes on any rule execution
regardless its contents. I'm really afraid this must be a bug (perhaps only
in the Dutch version). Unfortunately I know no other Mac users already
running office 2008 Dutch to try to duplicate this.

I'm on OSX 10.5.2, Office 12.0.1 Home/student Dutch.

Maybe in 12.0.2...
I'll see what I can find out. Can you contact me off list so I can send you
a questionnaire about your setup to send to the developers?

Send me an email:



Exactly the same problem here, also running the Dutch 12.0.1 (confirmed by
checking in Entourage), upgrade didn't report any problems either, so
definately it's the full 12.0.1.
The rules worked ok before the update, they were imported from Apple Mail,
deleting all rules does make Entourage crash no longer, recreating 1 rule
makes Entourage not tried to revert back to 12.0.0

This is what is in the crashlog:

Process: Microsoft Entourage [2561]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
Build Info: Unknown-80229~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [75]

Date/Time: 2008-03-24 10:30:54.296 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C7010)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 8

Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: __ZN12UFilterUtils19MailFieldToDataKeyTE16EFilterFieldType
Referenced from: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Expected in: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft

Diane Ross

Exactly the same problem here, also running the Dutch 12.0.1 (confirmed by
checking in Entourage), upgrade didn't report any problems either, so
definately it's the full 12.0.1.
The rules worked ok before the update, they were imported from Apple Mail,
deleting all rules does make Entourage crash no longer, recreating 1 rule
makes Entourage not tried to revert back to 12.0.0

This is what is in the crashlog:

Process: Microsoft Entourage [2561]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
Build Info: Unknown-80229~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [75]

Launchd is a system process.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test a new blank
Entourage Identity there. Do rules work in 12.0.1 there?


Did setup a new user, blank identity, same result 12.0.1 crashes when
applying the rule, same entries in the Entourage crashlog as posted earlier.
I've seen 3 persons posting the exact same problem, all 3 after applying
12.0.1 update (2 on 10.5.2, 1 on 10.4.11 i believe it was). Looks this is a
problem with the NL upgrade (i installed trough MAU first, 2e time
standalone, both with the same result).
I don't find a link on the NL/BE support site to report this problem
directly except 1 link which let's me pay € 75 to get help. I just bought the
Home / Student version last saterday, would expect the software working as
advertised without having to pay > 50% of the purchase price to get this
working, i heavily depend on the rules. No problems encountered so far with
the other Office components.

Thanks, Pat

Diane Ross said:
Exactly the same problem here, also running the Dutch 12.0.1 (confirmed by
checking in Entourage), upgrade didn't report any problems either, so
definately it's the full 12.0.1.
The rules worked ok before the update, they were imported from Apple Mail,
deleting all rules does make Entourage crash no longer, recreating 1 rule
makes Entourage not tried to revert back to 12.0.0

This is what is in the crashlog:

Process: Microsoft Entourage [2561]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
Build Info: Unknown-80229~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [75]

Launchd is a system process.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test a new blank
Entourage Identity there. Do rules work in 12.0.1 there?

Diane Ross

Hi, Could you contact me offlist, so I can get you to fill out a
questionnaire for the developer?

Send me an email:


Did setup a new user, blank identity, same result 12.0.1 crashes when
applying the rule, same entries in the Entourage crashlog as posted earlier.
I've seen 3 persons posting the exact same problem, all 3 after applying
12.0.1 update (2 on 10.5.2, 1 on 10.4.11 i believe it was). Looks this is a
problem with the NL upgrade (i installed trough MAU first, 2e time
standalone, both with the same result).
I don't find a link on the NL/BE support site to report this problem
directly except 1 link which let's me pay € 75 to get help. I just bought the
Home / Student version last saterday, would expect the software working as
advertised without having to pay > 50% of the purchase price to get this
working, i heavily depend on the rules. No problems encountered so far with
the other Office components.

Thanks, Pat

Diane Ross said:
Exactly the same problem here, also running the Dutch 12.0.1 (confirmed by
checking in Entourage), upgrade didn't report any problems either, so
definately it's the full 12.0.1.
The rules worked ok before the update, they were imported from Apple Mail,
deleting all rules does make Entourage crash no longer, recreating 1 rule
makes Entourage not tried to revert back to 12.0.0

This is what is in the crashlog:

Process: Microsoft Entourage [2561]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft
Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
Build Info: Unknown-80229~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [75]

Launchd is a system process.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test a new blank
Entourage Identity there. Do rules work in 12.0.1 there?


Same problem here with the Dutch version of Entourage: removing the
"Rules" file keeps Entourage 12.0.1 running.
Reinstalling 12.0.0 solves this problem.

A colleague with the US version of Entourage does not have the problem.

Diane Ross

Same problem here with the Dutch version of Entourage: removing the
"Rules" file keeps Entourage 12.0.1 running.

Does a new blank rules file work at all?
Reinstalling 12.0.0 solves this problem.

A colleague with the US version of Entourage does not have the problem.

Hi, Could you contact me off list, so I can get you to fill out a
questionnaire for the developer?

Send me an email:



and the same problem over here. also using dutch office version (enterprise) on mac osx 10.5.2. uninstalled office 2008 and reinstalled the out of the box 12.0 version, no problem with the rules. downloaded the 12.0.1 patch, applied it succesfully and entourage crashes as soon as it receives mail and applies the rules (or when I manualy apply the rule on my inbox). recreated a rule from scratch (move mail received from one account into another folder) and got the same crashing results.
Here is my crashdump info:

Process: Microsoft Entourage [4299]
Path: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Identifier: com.microsoft.Entourage
Version: 12.0.1 (12.0.1)
Build Info: Unknown-80229~0
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [94]

Date/Time: 2008-03-27 18:53:42.720 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.5.2 (9C7010)
Report Version: 6

Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
Crashed Thread: 0

Dyld Error Message:
Symbol not found: __ZN12UFilterUtils19MailFieldToDataKeyTE16EFilterFieldType
Referenced from: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/Microsoft Entourage
Expected in: /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/Microsoft Entourage.app/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/EntourageLegacy.framework/Versions/12/EntourageLegacy

system config:
Model: MacBookPro3,1, BootROM MBP31.0070.B05, 2 processors, Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.4 GHz, 2 GB
Graphics: GeForce 8600M GT, GeForce 8600M GT, spdisplays_pcie_device, 256 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 1 GB, DDR2 SDRAM, 667 MHz
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x87), 1.3.4
Bluetooth: Version 2.1.0f14, 2 service, 1 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: Built-in Ethernet, Ethernet, en0
PCI Card: pci168c,24, sppci_othernetwork, PCI Slot 5
Serial ATA Device: FUJITSU MHW2160BHPL, 149,05 GB
Parallel ATA Device: HL-DT-ST DVDRW GSA-S10N
USB Device: Built-in iSight, Apple Inc., high_speed, 500 mA
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, Apple, Inc., full_speed, 500 mA
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad, Apple Computer, full_speed, 500 mA
USB Device: IR Receiver, Apple Computer, Inc., low_speed, 500 mA

I can try and install the US english version and apply the patch to test the difference if that can help you.

hope you get this solved quickly. Glqd I found users with similar reproducable problems :)


Diane Ross

and the same problem over here. also using dutch office version (enterprise)
on mac osx 10.5.2. uninstalled office 2008 and reinstalled the out of the box
12.0 version, no problem with the rules. downloaded the 12.0.1 patch, applied
it succesfully and entourage crashes as soon as it receives mail and applies
the rules (or when I manualy apply the rule on my inbox). recreated a rule
from scratch (move mail received from one account into another folder) and got
the same crashing results.
Here is my crashdump info:

Can you contact me off list to get a questionnaire and please enclose a full
crash dump. You can also get a sample log using Activity Monitor.

Open the Activity Monitor
Start Entourage where it will crash
You should see Entourage turn red in the list...even if it doesn't...open
Entourage from the list and click on the Sample button. Save this log and
send it to me.

Send me an email:


Diane Ross

and the same problem over here. also using dutch office version (enterprise)
on mac osx 10.5.2. uninstalled office 2008 and reinstalled the out of the box
12.0 version, no problem with the rules. downloaded the 12.0.1 patch,

Just received an update from developers that they have identified the
problem and are working on a fix. Thanks to everyone that helped by sending
in info and examples.

1) it is a Dutch only issue
2) workaround: roll back to 12.0


Just received an update from developers that they have identified the
problem and are working on a fix. Thanks to everyone that helped by sending
in info and examples.

1) it is a Dutch only issue
2) workaround: roll back to 12.0.0

I've got the same problem on an english version. It's ordered at a
dutch organisation, that's the problem maybe..
Does only the Dutch version get the fix, or de English version also?

Diane Ross

I've got the same problem on an english version. It's ordered at a
dutch organisation, that's the problem maybe..
Does only the Dutch version get the fix, or de English version also?

The English version is not broken. Perhaps your problem comes from the Dutch

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