Error message when I open any other excel file



Hi all, I have macro below in Worksheet Module. It works fine but
when ever I open any other excel file at the same time when I got
current file (in which I got the below macro) opened, I get error
message pop up saying "Run-time error '9': Subscript out of Range"
Please can any friend can help that how can i get rid of this error

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()
Dim SHT As Worksheet
Set SHT = Sheets("Template")
If Range("C6").Value = "GD" Then
SHT.Shapes("BACKTEMP").Width = 398
SHT.Shapes("NUMBERS").Visible = True
SHT.Shapes("ACCRUE").Visible = True
Me.TextBox3.Visible = True
Me.ComboBox2.ListFillRange = "S33:S43"
Me.ComboBox2.ListRows = 11
SHT.Shapes("NUMBERS").Visible = False
SHT.Shapes("ACCRUE").Visible = False
Me.TextBox3.Visible = False
SHT.Shapes("BACKTEMP").Width = 302
Me.ComboBox2.ListFillRange = "S33:S45"
Me.ComboBox2.ListRows = 13
End If
End Sub

Dave Peterson

Specify what workbook contains the Template sheet:

Set SHT = me.parent.Sheets("Template")

Me is the worksheet that owns the code.
Me.Parent is the workbook that owns the worksheet that owns the code.


Specify what workbook contains the Template sheet:

Set SHT = me.parent.Sheets("Template")

Me is the worksheet that owns the code.
Me.Parent is the workbook that owns the worksheet that owns the code.


Dave Peterson- Hide quoted text -

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Thanks lot Dave

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