Excel 2000 - Microsoft Query



Hi there,

Apologize for repeating myself. Not sure it was a successfull send.

I built an MS Query that depends on two parameters. Query connects to an Informix database through
IBM Informix 3.82 ODBC driver. It works and I get the result set.
However when I return the data to EXCEL, I get an Informix ODBC driver error.
Why is the query successfull from MS Query bu not from EXCEL.
If I run the query directly from EXCEL: Get External data/Run Saved Query
I also get the same error, without even being prompted for the two parameters.

I would appreciate any help. Thanks

Lars Hammarberg

Excel can't handle a number of data types - Decimal (or whatever the
equivalent to this SQLServer type is in Informix ODBC tables) is one of
them - try changing the datatype through cast or convert in your query
before letting Excel see the data.

/Lars Hammarberg

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