excel and access



i have 3 excel workbooks that contain mulitpule worksheets. i want to convert
these to access. my question is,,how do i create the tables representing the
wb and link them to the ws's.
for example, wb 1 is named model #, it contains several ws's called
dept.'s. in the ws's, are parts and vendors. wb 2 is named prod., it contains
several ws's called schedlues, in the ws's are different models and the
production dates. wb 3 is named price, this containes ws's that have vendor
names parts and prices, one ws representing each vendor.
are there sub-tables? does anyone remmember image with master tables and
detail tables?
i have worked as a basis person for sap and hp, but have had virtually no
experience with either excel or access.


Jeff Boyce

Access has a bit of a steep learning curve. And if you simply dump Excel
data straight in, the odds are very good that Access (and you) will have to
work much harder.

Why do you believe the data would be better in Access than Excel? What is
it about Access that you expect to do a better job?

If you decide you must use Access, forget about how you've organized the
data in Excel. Don't limit your use of Access to the structure forced on
you by Excel.

You'll need to spend a bit of time researching "normalization" and
"relational database design" to make sense of how you'll need to set up your
Access table structure to get the best use of Access' features and
functions. Check Jeff Conrad's website for more on this...



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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