Excel graphs in Word OSX don't show in Word 2002 / XP


Ann Jensen

I created Word documents for a college course and need them to be compatible
with Word OSX, Word 2000, and Word 2002 (XP). I created the documents in
Word OSX and they include graphs that I created in Excel OSX, then copied
and pasted into Word using the Picture option in Edit: Paste Special. This
works fine for Word OSX but when I open the documents in Wind 2002 / XP, the
Excel graphs don't show up (though other graphics drawn using Word's draw
tools do show up). In place of the Excel-created graphs, I get a an
invisible object with handles and a red x in the corner. Is there a
converter I can use in OSX to convert the files to Word XP? Or any other
solution you can suggest? I have 24 documents with the problem and class
starts next week.

Jim Gordon

Hi Ann

Have you installed the 10.1.2 and 10.1.4 updates from Mactopia? If not,
install them, and then use Disk Utility First Aid to repair permissions.

Open one of the Excel files then re-save the file and try it in Excel XP
(which should also have the corresponding updates from Micorosft). Please
post a message here with the results.


-Jim Gordon

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Ann Jensen

I'm using OSX 10.2, so updating with 10.1.2 and 10.1.4 won't work/help,
right? Also, it's not an Excel file I'm having trouble seeing in XP, it's an
Excel graph pasted as a picture in a Word OSX document that I'm having
trouble with.

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