Excel OLE objects crashing in other Office applications


Hari Prasadh


Posted in PPT group but would like to try here as well.

One of my friends has Win XP SP2, Office 2003 SP1 and she reported an issue
regarding inserting/editing Excel OLE objects in PPT.

She does insert-> object -> Microsoft chart-object but then the PPT
application displays an error message "Microsoft office PPT cant start the
application required to open this object. An error occurred and this feature
is no longer functioning properly. Would you like to repair this feature

Detect and repair doesnt help.

Same error message problems (application crashes down) occur if an attempt
to edit Excel OLE objects is done.

My friend has also tried reinstalling office components through Add-
remove programs - Change and install all components on the local computer
but to of no avail.

Following has also been tried: -

a) Insert-> Object -> Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation within EXCEL
application then it works fine.
b) Insert-> Object -> Microsoft Excel Chart within WinWord application gets
a message "waiting for another application to complete an OLE action."
c) Insert-> Object -> EXCEL Chart within Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
application. still didn't work.

Thanks a lot,

Hari Prasadh


If anybody has a solution to the same, please tell me.

Thanks a lot,


This sounds a bit like the Task Pane related problem in my post
'Creating a Powerpoint (XP onwards) object with an ActiveWindow' (from

I think the Office applications (XP onwards), when they start up, fail
to report back to the OLE server that the object has been successfully
created, and although I can't put my finger on it, I'm sure it's
something to do with the Task Pane.


Hi Bizmark,

Can you elaborate more on how we can resolve this as I am also facing
similar issue with Hari. I can't insert Excel OLE object from Power Point or
Word. I will get same error message. Work around for this that I must open
Excel application in the background first before inserting Excel OLE into
Power Point / Word. No problem inserting any other OLE object into Power
Point or Word.

The problem was not there before I apply the latest Windows security update.
I am using Windows XP SP2, Office 2003, and no Norton Anti virus installed
(which might cause OLE problem according to some postings in the forum).

Appreciate the advise.



Hari Prasadh

Hi Denyrah,

I also couldnt understand Bizmark's post.
and no Norton Anti virus installed
(which might cause OLE problem according to some postings in the forum).

Anyway am sure that this is not the problem as my friend has Anti-virus
software updated and still the error is being faced. I think its more to do
with MS software conflict or something like that rather than a virus issue.

Thanks a lot,

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