Excel VBA - automatically extratcing data from two different files



I have two different files : They contain the following headers

Company ID Company Name Contact ID ID2003 old id Title FirstName
LastName Job
Title Email TelNo Fax Address1 Address2 City Postcode Country Account
Manager Switchboard Telephone Number Preferred Language
*and the other *

Status DMC Company ID DMC User
ID Company Address ZIP/City Country countrycode Language First
Name Last Name Phone Phone adjusted Number of Calls Result
detail Result Wave CO CB Out Available to call Availability for Wave
9 Email address Contact by email ONLY Adjustments region State

The two have fields "first name " and "last name" common.I need to find
out from the file 1 , the corresponding "ID 2003" for the common "first
name " and "last name" and write that into the file 2,for these comon
entries I have to check if the email and phone numbers have the extact
matching and in case no highlight the same in the file 2 , with a
different formatting....Does any one know the solution...

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