Export Outlook calendar to Project?



Is this possible? Can I export a public calendar in Outlook 2003 to a Gantt
chart in MS Project? The end result needs to be a timeline type document
based on the calendar data.

I'm not very familiar with Project. Can someone point me to very clear
instructions please?


Dale Howard [MVP]

srpd --

You can export a list of Outlook tasks to Microsoft Project using Tools -
Import Outlook Tasks, but you cannot export a calendar. Sorry.

Rick Williams

Here is a VBA macro that does the opposite of what you want - it exports
Project tasks to Outlook appointments. It could be modified to do what you
Rick Williams

Sub OutlookLinkAppt()
Dim appOL As Outlook.Application
Dim mspTask As MSProject.Task
Dim olAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
On Error GoTo objerror
Set appOL = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application") ' if Outlook is running,
this line will work
For Each mspTask In MSProject.ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not (mspTask Is Nothing) And Not (mspTask.Summary = True) Then
Set olAppt = appOL.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
'note that you can capture other Project fields into Outlook fields
olAppt.Subject = mspTask.Name
olAppt.Body = mspTask.Name
olAppt.Start = mspTask.EarlyStart
olAppt.End = mspTask.EarlyFinish
olAppt.Mileage = mspTask.ID
If mspTask.Resources.Count > 0 Then
For j = 1 To mspTask.Resources.Count
olAppt.Recipients.Add mspTask.Resources(j).Name
Next j
End If
Set olAppt = Nothing
End If
i = i + 1
MsgBox i & " tasks were exported to Outlook as appointments!"
Exit Sub
objerror: ' if Outlook is not running, this will work
Set appOL = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
GoTo resumeplace
End Sub

Dale Howard [MVP]

Rick --

The user wanted export an Outlook calendar to Microsoft Project tasks.


Thank you both for your responses. I think I'll have to do this the old
fashioned way and recreate it, as my deadline approaches. I don't have the
skill to adapt the macro. Thanks, again.


Yes, you can export it. First, enter to Outlook and select the option "File
- Import and Export..." then select that you want to export the calendar to
a Excel File and then choose the calendar you want to export. You can also
select what columns you want.
Once you have the file in excel format, you have to reformat the dates. Each
appointment has a start and finish, each one of them will have two columns,
one associated with the date and the other associated with the time. Before
you take these registers to project, you have to sum both columns. By doing
this, you will have a file with at least three columns, the task and the
start and end time. Now, you just have to take those registers and copy and
paste them into the project file.

Personally, I've been trying to find a software that synchronizes the
"appointments" and the project tasks automatically in both ways but I
haven't had luck. I you know or other one knows that, it would be very
useful for me.

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