Field - Control the text that appears or not appears


Jorge mst


I have a field like this: {SET seetext "1"}
And I have many field like this : {IF {REF seetext }=â€1†“text to appearâ€
When I put the first field to : SET seetext “0â€
I hide the text “text to appear†in my word document. The problem is if
“text to appear†is a Title numbered:
1 “text to appearâ€
1.1 “text to appearâ€
2 “text to appearâ€

It’s a problem because the numbers don’t disappear and when I put SET
seetext “0†they look like this:

And I want the numbers to disappears because I need to control the text with
just a change in the variable seetext.

Anybody can help me with a trick or a different solution for my objective?
Tanks in advance


See my reply in microsoft.public.word.vba.general.

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