File Not Found error in FileCopy



I'm trying to copy a FoxPro table to a new location (overwriting an existing
copy) and then using the copy to produce reports. I have placed the following
script on the form that opens automatically in the OnOpen Event for the form.

Dim FileFrom As String
Dim FileTo As String
FileFrom = "F:\MOMWin\STOCK.dbf"
FileTo = "F:\Public\WebFiles\STOCK.dbf"
FileCopy FileFrom, FileTo

Unfortunately, I keep getting a "file not found" error. I can't figure what
I am doing wrong... any ideas?


yes, it exists in both the FileFrom and the FileTo locations. I have checked
the spelling, use of upper/lower case, etc.

Douglas J. Steele

Just to double check, try:

Dim FileFrom As String
Dim FileTo As String

FileFrom = "F:\MOMWin\STOCK.dbf"
FileTo = "F:\Public\WebFiles\STOCK.dbf"

If Len(Dir(FileFrom)) = 0 Then
MsgBox FileFrom & " doesn't exist." & vbCrLf
FileCopy FileFrom, FileTo
End If

If that doesn't work, check that F:\Public\WebFiles is correct (and that you
have permission to write there)


Strange. It doesn't work and gives the message "Permission Denied"

But I can write, copy, save to that file all I want...

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