Find a field to use in a cube building


Juan jaspe

Hi all,

I´m building a cube in PS 2007,SQL 2005, I need to represent the follow
report, Total of resources By Department, Department is a field with indexed
list of values...from where can I found the total of the resources? I can´t
find in all the cubes generates.....

Marc Soester [MVP]


I assume that Department is an Resource Enterprise Custom field and that you
have added the custom field to the cube using Server Settings > Cube >

If this is the case, you will see the depratment as a dimension within the
OLAP cubes. If this is the case, you can use the Data Analyser or Excel to
create reports. Both will allow you to create a total either on a colum or a
row basis.
Please also note: Only Enterprise custom fields that have a Lookup table or
Custom Enterprise Flags can be added to the Cube.
I hpoe this helps

Juan jaspe

Hi Marc

I can see the department field like a dimension within the OLAP cube, but
the total of resources did not see like a field to add in data area to create
a pivot table, I just can see in the total group a field called capacity, I
believed that field is the total of resource...but, the number doesn´t
correspond to reality...I do not what means that field....


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