Flashing text boxes



I'm running Publisher 2002 and am working on a newsletter. The newsletter
has two pages. The first page contains one Picture box and five text boxes
set up in 3 columns. The second page has a few text boxes in a 3 column

The problem that I'm having is this. Every so often I am greeted with
flashing boxes. Some times it keep going and other time, it would last for
couple of minutes. This is all being done on a laptop.

Any ideas? It is really annoying when I try moving boxes around. <- This
is when the flashing boxes occur.

Barry Brindisi
Web: http://www.shorevineyard.com

Mary Sauer

Look in the Accessibility folder in the control panel, Display tab, if High Contrast
is checked, clear it.
Might try an updated graphics driver if the above didn't help.

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