Fonts not saving with the presentation in MAC



I've designed a presentation and transfered it to a MAC computer. I then have
tried to apply specific fonts to the presentation, but when I save the file
and re-open it, the fonts revert to Arial.
--I am using fonts that are in this computer's system, the presentation
looks great before I save it, but crap when I re-open it on the same laptop.
--I have tried changing the fonts both in the regular screen and in Slide
--Any other changes I make are saved each time, it's just the font choices
that go away
Any ideas?

Troy @ TLC

What version of PPT are you using (on Windows and Mac)?

What type of fonts are they (truetype, postscript, opentype)?

Do you have the 'embed fonts' option turned on or off?


The program was built in Windows and works fine there.

I need to have it run on a Mac and that is where the problem is.

They are truetype fonts. The fonts are installed on the Mac computer, and
will display and run properly...until I save and close the file. Upon
re-opening everything has reverted to Arial (unless I save as a TIFF or other
picture file, the fonts are saved properly, but I can't run these images as a

When saving the file on the Mac, I do not find an "embed fonts" option. I
used it when I originally saved the file in Windows.

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