Form not taking and passing character input



I have a customer who gets no character input when trying
to fill in a form on a website that I maintain. The
original form was developed using Visual Studio a few
years back, and consists of a Username Field and a hidden
input password field. The rest of the pages were
developed using FrontPage 2000, and that will be the
editor I will use for any page changes/modificaiton. When
using Windows based clients, no problems (and hasn't been
since it was published). When my customer went over to a
Mac Powerbook, the browser allows him to the page, the
page displays, but the form will not accept any character

I am not sure where to attack the problem from. Is this a
Mac browser/client issue, or is there a modification
needed on the form page to accept input from Mac clients?
The browser on the Mac is Internet Explorer for Mac, not
sure which version (new powerbook, assuming later
software). Customer is not reporting any error messages,
and can browse the public portions of the site.

Hope I've provided enough clues to come up with an
answer. Thanks in advance for your help.

Stefan B Rusynko

A URL for the form would help
- is it wrapped in form tags?
- do you have any styles applied to the page?

| I have a customer who gets no character input when trying
| to fill in a form on a website that I maintain. The
| original form was developed using Visual Studio a few
| years back, and consists of a Username Field and a hidden
| input password field. The rest of the pages were
| developed using FrontPage 2000, and that will be the
| editor I will use for any page changes/modificaiton. When
| using Windows based clients, no problems (and hasn't been
| since it was published). When my customer went over to a
| Mac Powerbook, the browser allows him to the page, the
| page displays, but the form will not accept any character
| input.
| I am not sure where to attack the problem from. Is this a
| Mac browser/client issue, or is there a modification
| needed on the form page to accept input from Mac clients?
| The browser on the Mac is Internet Explorer for Mac, not
| sure which version (new powerbook, assuming later
| software). Customer is not reporting any error messages,
| and can browse the public portions of the site.
| Hope I've provided enough clues to come up with an
| answer. Thanks in advance for your help.


Sorry for not postign the URL.

here is the basic source code:


<title>PBCAC Administration (All rights Reserved)</title>

<meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="canvas 001, default">

<frameset rows="115,*" framespacing="0" border="0"
<frame name="header" scrolling="no" noresize
target="main" src="/admin/admintopframe.htm">
<frame name="main" src="/admin/managedatabases.asp"
<body background="../_themes/canvas/cnvbkgnd.jpg"
bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0066CC"
vlink="#006666" alink="#996699"><!--mstheme--><font
face="Arial, Arial, Helvetica">

<p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't
support them.</p>


Stefan B Rusynko

Check your paths to your form action
Your form is actually at
with essentially this code (w/ theme formatting)

<form NAME="loginform" METHOD="POST" ACTION="/admin/login.asp">
<td>Username</td><td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="user"></td>
<td>Password</td><td><input TYPE="PASSWORD" NAME="passwd"></td>
</tr><input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="GoTo" VALUE=""><tr>
<td><input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Enter"></td>

It is looking for the action from the ASP code at that would be (base on your code) at
Is that correct?
or should it be pointing to another ASP page at the same level?

The tag <input TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="GoTo" VALUE=""> is illegally between a table row and should be located say just before your
</form> tag

| Sorry for not postign the URL.
| here is the basic source code:
| <html>
| <head>
| <title>PBCAC Administration (All rights Reserved)</title>
| <meta name="Microsoft Theme" content="canvas 001, default">
| </head>
| <frameset rows="115,*" framespacing="0" border="0"
| frameborder="0">
| <frame name="header" scrolling="no" noresize
| target="main" src="/admin/admintopframe.htm">
| <frame name="main" src="/admin/managedatabases.asp"
| scrolling="auto">
| <noframes>
| <body background="../_themes/canvas/cnvbkgnd.jpg"
| bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" link="#0066CC"
| vlink="#006666" alink="#996699"><!--mstheme--><font
| face="Arial, Arial, Helvetica">
| <p>This page uses frames, but your browser doesn't
| support them.</p>
| <!--mstheme--></font></body>
| </noframes>
| </frameset>
| </html>
| >-----Original Message-----
| >A URL for the form would help
| >- is it wrapped in form tags?
| >- do you have any styles applied to the page?
| >
| >--
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| | >| I have a customer who gets no character input when
| trying
| >| to fill in a form on a website that I maintain. The
| >| original form was developed using Visual Studio a few
| >| years back, and consists of a Username Field and a
| hidden
| >| input password field. The rest of the pages were
| >| developed using FrontPage 2000, and that will be the
| >| editor I will use for any page changes/modificaiton.
| When
| >| using Windows based clients, no problems (and hasn't
| been
| >| since it was published). When my customer went over to
| a
| >| Mac Powerbook, the browser allows him to the page, the
| >| page displays, but the form will not accept any
| character
| >| input.
| >|
| >| I am not sure where to attack the problem from. Is
| this a
| >| Mac browser/client issue, or is there a modification
| >| needed on the form page to accept input from Mac
| clients?
| >| The browser on the Mac is Internet Explorer for Mac, not
| >| sure which version (new powerbook, assuming later
| >| software). Customer is not reporting any error
| messages,
| >| and can browse the public portions of the site.
| >|
| >| Hope I've provided enough clues to come up with an
| >| answer. Thanks in advance for your help.
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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