frames or not and how


Paul \(OMAC HX\)

Hi All.

I have 2 sites up and running that use frames.
From looking around the general messages i see people are telling others
to start moving away from these and use tables.
My question is how do u do this in relation to table.
and what is necessary to do it.
I am not a wiz kid though have picked frames up fairly easy

Any help is greatly appreciated.

P@tty Ayers

Paul (OMAC HX) said:
Hi All.
I have 2 sites up and running that use frames. From looking around the
general messages i see people are telling others
to start moving away from these and use tables. My question is how do u do
this in relation to table.
and what is necessary to do it. I am not a wiz kid though have picked
frames up fairly easy

To be honest, that was very good advice about ten years ago! Frames are
truly of no good use at all any more (at least not in about 99.99% of
situations) and have several very notable drawbacks.

Tables are not a direct replacement for frames, though they can be a useful
layout tool, especially for those who aren't planning to spend the time to
really learn HTML and CSS. The use of tables is actually what is on the way
out, being replaced by the use of CSS-positioned elements. But you will be
able to safely use tables for many years to come, and they may be the best
basic layout tool for a "non-wiz-kid"!

Generally, the way to replace a frames site with a non-frames site is
something like this (very simplified):

1. Create a page design consisting of a "content area" (where the contents
will change with each page) and several "fixed areas" (such as a masthead,
navigation bar and footer).

2. Make an exact replica of that page for every other page on the site, and
copy-paste the distinctive content into each page.

3. Link them all together.

Ideally, you would also use server-side includes for the "fixed areas", but
that may be more than you want to learn right now.

Hopefully that's a start,

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