freeze numbering when sorting.


Or Freund

I have Table like this :
Num Name LastName
1 Or Freund
2 Someone SomeGuy
3 First Last

and I want to sort it buy Last Name so but keep the same
numbering so the
result will be like this :
Num Name LastName
1 Or Freund
3 First Last
2 Someone SomeGuy

and not like this :
Num Name LastName
1 Or Freund
2 First Last
3 Someone SomeGuy

the numbering column is automatic , is there any way to
make it "freeze" ?


Alan Taylor

Hi Or:

Yes, you can run a one-line macro. If you've never used
VBA before, I suggest practicing this in a non-important
document first.

From just a general part of the document (nothing
selected), go Tools / Macro / Visual Basic Editor

Click in the window down low called "Immediate"

Type this exactly:

then press Enter

(You may notice that, as you type, a balloon of options
pops up. You can double-click on "ConvertNumbersToText"
and that will help, but you still have to press Enter to
activate it.)

It'll seem like nothing has happened ... but ...
Go File / Close and Return to Microsoft Word

and you'll see the numbers are manual.

One more thing: if you used toolbar numbers (not attached
to styles) for the auto numbers, you're done.

But if you used Styles such as List Number, those style
names still are attached. You should apply a different
style, such as Normal, to the affected paragraphs.

Now I must copy this answer in case anyone else needs it.

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